“Bro, I’m not meeting you for another round of Mermaid Karaoke.”
He chuckles. “Nah, I’m on patrol tonight.”
“Who did you piss off?” Weston normally ensures he has the daytime shift the entire week of Mermaid Karaoke.
“It wasn’t my fault. If I had known the chief was going to drink that cup of coffee, I wouldn’t have put salt in it.”
“Why did you put salt in it in the first place?”
“Lucas was pissing me off. Making comments about how hot my sister is.”
“You can’t put salt in the coffee of every man who says Sophia’s hot. You’d use up all salt in the ocean.”
He sighs. “Having a little sister every man on the island wants is a trial.”
I growl. Not every man can have Sophia. She’s mine.
What the hell? Sophia isn’t mine. She’s my best friend’s little sister. My best friend who took me in when my father abandoned me. I can’t disrespect him by corrupting his little sister.
“I’m glad you agree with me because I need your help.”
My muscles freeze. “Help? What’s wrong? Is Sophia in trouble?” I’m on my feet and at the door before I know it. “Where am I going?”
“Rumrunner. She’s there with her friends.”
I jump in my truck and switch on the engine. “What’s happening? Is someone bothering her? Is she drunk? She better not be strip teasing again.”
I grit my teeth at the reminder of when Sophia did a strip tease on the beach at Christmas one year because she thought the mermaids needed entertainment to celebrate the holidays. Why the entertainment was her removing her clothes is a mystery to me.
“Nothing’s happened yet, but it won’t last. They’re drinking shots.”
I groan. “I’m on my way.”
“Thanks, bro. I owe you.”
He doesn’t owe me shit. I’m the one who’ll never be able to repay him for all he’s done for me. He gave me a family when I had none. You can’t repay someone for giving you a family.
The drive toRumrunnerlasts less than ten minutes. I can hear the music blaring when I’m halfway down the alley.
“Trent.” I nod to the bouncer as I walk in.
The place is hopping for a Wednesday night during Mermaid Karaoke Week. I scan the room in search of Sophia. My body tightens when I notice her standing at the edge of the dance floor with Chloe.
She’s wearing the same tight skirt and high heels she had on this morning but instead of the white blouse she’s wearing a black one. I growl when she turns and I realize I can see her bra.
I begin marching toward her but Chloe pulls her onto the dance floor before I arrive at their table.
“Flynn!” Nova waves at me with a big smile on her face. The woman is always smiling. She is the most optimistic person I know.
She’s also beautiful with her long brown hair, dark eyes, and exotic appearance. Too bad my body doesn’t have any response to her.
“Ladies.” I tip my hat to him.
“You’re obviously not interested in us.” Paisley purses her lips. “How would you feel if I put sensors on your brain while showing you pictures of Sophia?”
“Paisley,” Maya urges. “You can’t ask random people to undergo your scientific experiments.”