She kept her hair cropped very close to her head, little more than an inch of dark fuzz. While that should have made her look less feminine, it only served to heighten the delicate beauty of her bone structure.

It was rare that Adam fell hook, line and sinker for someone he’d only just met. When he’d accepted his old friend’s invitation to spend a few days on the island on the way to his next gig, he certainly hadn’t planned to fall for anyone.

But something about Shani had captured and then held his attention from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. There was the obvious physical attraction. Shani was truly lovely—tall and voluptuous with legs a mile long. She carried herself with the regal, willowy grace of nobility, but without a trace of arrogance.

She could be playful and fun, and was extremely sexually responsive. But just below the surface, he’d sensed a thick bedrock of reserve, one he hadn’t been able to chip away at, even a little, during their four brief days together. Maybe it was the challenge of uncovering Shani’s mystery that had hooked him. Whatever it was, he’d thought of her constantly in the week since he’d left the island.

“Adam,” Shani cried now. “The goddess heard me!”

“I’m sorry?” Adam asked, not sure he’d heard her correctly.

“Never mind,” she replied, looking both flustered and happy, her wide smile mirroring his own.

Unable to hold back another second, Adam pulled her into his arms and lowered his head to kiss those luscious lips. He was vaguely aware of the scattered applause and shouts of approval from the crowd, but too engrossed in the lovely girl in his arms to pay much attention.

Ryan, whose idea it had been to surprise Shani when Adam’s schedule had unexpectedly cleared up that week, put his hand lightly on Adam’s shoulder. “All right, kids. I’ve got a fire demo to finish. Go be lovey dovey somewhere else.”

Shani immediately pulled away, her coppery skin darkening with a rosy blush. “Excuse me, Master Ryan. I’m so sorry, Sir.”

“Not at all,” Ryan replied, smiling good-naturedly. “You’re fine. You handled the fire demo beautifully, as always. I enjoyed watching from the sidelines when Adam took over the second half. Oh, and Shani, you have the rest of the evening and tomorrow off.”

Shani looked confused. “Tomorrow? But I have several sessions booked with some guests—”

“Not anymore, you don’t,” Ryan interjected, his grin broadening. “When I found out Adam was coming through for a day or two, I cleared your schedule. One of the perks of owning the place. Now, Adam will see to your aftercare and what y’all do after that is entirely up to you.”Chapter 2Adam led Shani to one of the small recovery tents a dozen or so yards away from the pit. She felt dazed, as if awakening from a wonderful dream, only to discover it was real. The endorphins from the fire whipping were still zipping through her bloodstream while the shock at Adam’s sudden, almost magical appearance made her mind reel.

She stared up at the tall, handsome man, still not entirely sure he wasn’t a figment of her fevered imagination. He was even better looking than she’d remembered—tall and broad-shouldered with raven black hair that flopped over into soulful green eyes set in an angular, rugged face. She wanted to bury herself in his arms or fall to her knees at his feet. She did neither, preferring to let him take the lead.

After all, they’d only spent four days together, and even then, only when she could get away from her duties. Just because she’d fantasized nonstop about him since he’d been gone didn’t mean he was necessarily ready to pick up where they left off.

She hadn’t expected her strong reaction to Adam Hawk. In the year and change since she’d worked on Desire Island, she’d scened with dozens of guests as part of her job. But in all that time, she’d never, not once, felt the instant and passionate connection she’d experienced with Adam.

To her delight, he’d seemed to feel it too. Most of the dominant male guests on the island liked to sample the submissive staff slaves as if they were chocolate candies in a box. But for some wonderful reason, Adam had only seemed to have eyes for her.

He was every inch a Dom, and he never bullied or pushed her past where she felt safe. Yet, unlike any other guy in the scene she’d gotten close to, he not only didn’t demand, but wouldn’t even allow her to call him Master. He’d explained that while he understood it worked for some people, for himself, he found it pretentious.

He’d taken to calling her Princess, claiming she had the regal bearing and stately reserve of royalty. While the rather lofty endearment had embarrassed her at first, she now found she quite liked it. It made her feel special and reminded her of a happy time in her past.