“Too long,” Shani said, guilt washing over her at the admission. When had she become so pathetic—hiding out across the country, allowing one man to keep her away from the people she loved?

Her mother still lived on the reservation with Shani’s youngest sister, Chenoa. Her other three sisters lived nearby, two of them married with children of their own. While they were all aware and accepting of her submissive sexual orientation, they didn’t understand why she’d had to move so far away from her family and home to find her place in the world. Only Malia, her closest sister, knew about Sir. And even she didn’t know all the sordid details.

The excitement now bubbled over so that Adam fairly vibrated with it. “How would you like to go back home to Portland with me for a few days, all expenses paid? That’s where I’m headed tomorrow.”

Shani was too startled by the enormity of his offer to do anything but gape stupidly at him.

When she didn’t immediately respond, he barreled on, “There’s a huge sales event going on at the BDSM Connections Events Center there. Some of the most renown whip makers in the world will be there, plus all kinds of other BDSM vendors and participants. You could sell your awesome jewelry there, if you wanted to. You could share my booth. Your stuff would instantly sell out—I’m sure of it.”

“Huh,” was all Shani managed, still trying to process his extraordinary offer. While Portland was a big city, the organized BDSM community was fairly small. If it was a big event, Sir might well be in attendance. The thought of seeing him again chilled the marrow in her bones.

Adam turned to her and put his hands on her shoulders, his expression earnest. “Look. I know things are moving kind of fast between us. It’s just… Ever since we met, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. There’s something here. Something more than finding a good scene partner. Do you feel that, too?”

“I do,” Shani replied softly.

He took both her hands in his. “I know it’s presumptuous of me to expect you to drop everything at a moment’s notice, but it would be so awesome if you could come with me.”

What was wrong with her? This amazing man was reaching out to her. Something real was developing between them, if she had the courage to stay the course.

And, no question, it was well past time she returned home, at least for a visit. She was longing to see her family again—to hike and drink wine and laugh with her sisters, and to catch up on all the reservation gossip with her mom.

Yet, still she hesitated. She seized on the most obvious objection to his proposal. “I couldn’t possibly ask you to pay for my airfare. I wouldn’t feel right.”

“No worries there. I have a friend who owns a private plane. He’s going to meet me in Hatteras tomorrow. He’s heading to California and is giving me a lift along the way. I’ve already checked with him, and he’s happy to take you along as well.”

“Wow. That’s some friend,” she replied. It seemed Adam had thought of everything. Maybe she could go with him to Portland, but give the BDSM event a miss. While Adam was busy at the trade show, she could spend time with her mom and sisters. But then, there was the issue of vacation time. While she had some time coming to her, could she get approval on such short notice?

“It sounds like an offer that’s hard to refuse,” she said aloud. “But it’s still the busy season here. I’m not sure I could get the time off approved on such short notice.”

Adam flushed a little, looking both embarrassed and eager. “I hope I didn’t overstep, but when I got the idea to invite you along, I ran it by Ryan. You know, we’ve been friends for years. He was instantly onboard with the idea. He not only gave his immediate assent, he thinks it’s a terrific idea.”

He paused expectantly, his expression eager as a puppy’s. “What do you say, Shani? Will you come with me?”


Adam held his breath, silently willing her to say yes.

Because their time together was so brief, he had probably moved faster than he should have. He was aware he could be kind of pushy. Maybe it was a side effect of his dominant persona. He needed to take a step back and give her a chance to decide without feeling coerced. After all, they’d known each other such a short time.

Shani wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met before. She was gorgeous and self-possessed, and incredibly responsive during BDSM play and lovemaking. Yet there was a certain reserve to her that was both mysterious and frustrating. He wanted to understand the real woman underneath—to break through whatever it was she was hiding behind.