All at once, she burst into consciousness, though it took her a moment to understand what was happening.

“Shani, baby, sweetheart, please, please, you’re having a nightmare.”


Kind, darling Adam was holding her tight in his arms. His face was a mask of concern and pain. She realized she was struggling against him, her face wet with tears, her body slippery with sweat, her heart smashing painfully in her chest.

“Oh, thank god,” he breathed as she tried to focus on his face. Coming more fully awake, relief gushed over her like a cold stream of water.

He stroked her cheek, his voice soothing but still concerned. “You scared me, Princess. You were crying and thrashing and I couldn’t get you to wake up. What happened? That must have been one hell of a nightmare.”

He cradled her in his arms. She buried her wet face against his warm chest. “I—I don’t remember,” she lied. “Please. Just hold me. Don’t ever let me go.”

“Never,” he said, his strong arms cradling her close. “You’re safe now, Princess. I got you.”

Shani sighed with both relief and exhaustion. She hadn’t had a nightmare like that in months. How embarrassing that Adam had to witness it.

He stroked her head, his touch gentle and reassuring as he held her close. “Sleep, sweetest girl,” he soothed softly. “Dream sweet dreams. I’ll keep you safe. Sleep…”

Shani sighed softly. How she had missed being held like this. She could feel her spirit stirring once more. Was it ready at last to reclaim its place among the noble warrior princesses from the childhood tales?

Closing her eyes, cocooned in Adam’s warm embrace, she drifted into a peaceful, dreamless sleep…Chapter 7The next morning when Adam awoke, he reached reflexively for Shani, but the bed was empty. He could hear the sound of the shower, and instantly visualized the water sluicing over Shani’s lovely naked form.

Throwing back the covers, he climbed from the bed and went into the bathroom. The room was fogged with steam, as if she’d been in there for quite a while. His morning erection made it a little difficult to pee right away, but once he’d managed that, he flushed the toilet and opened the opaque shower stall door. Shani was standing under the spray, her face turned upward, her eyes closed.

“Hey there,” he said, his cock hardening again at the sight of the naked girl.

Shani whipped her head in his direction, her eyes flying open as she drew in a sharp breath, a look of alarm on her face. “Oh,” she said with an embarrassed laugh. “Adam. You startled me.”

“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely. “I didn’t mean to. I thought you would have heard me moving around in here.”

“I must have been daydreaming,” she said, smiling now, back in control. “Care to join me?”


They took turns washing each other’s bodies. Shani’s smooth, calm mask of serenity had returned, along with some playfulness as she stroked his rock-hard erection with her soapy fingers. But Adam could sense a lingering unease beneath the surface. He knew how the residual effects of a bad dream could hover over you the next day, clinging like a moist, unpleasant fog.

Partially in an effort to distract her, and partly because he couldn’t keep his hands off her, Adam pulled Shani into his arms from behind, so her back was pressed up against his midriff. Leaning down, he kissed her neck while running his hands over her body.

He rubbed his soapy fingers between her legs, teasing lightly over the hard button of her clit. She groaned with pleasure, pressing back against him as the hot water rained down over them. He held her in place with his other arm, his hand cupping one round, lovely breast while he rubbed and stroked her sweet cunt.

It wasn’t long before she was breathing fast, her sexy sighs and moans making his hard cock throb against her back. “Adam,” she cried breathlessly. “Please, can I come?”

“Yes, Princess. Come for me,” he replied, thrilled with the trembling girl in his arms.

He held her as she came, and afterward, nuzzling her neck as he lightly stroked the last bit of pleasure from her.

After a minute or so, she wriggled from his arms and sank to her knees. Adam sighed with pleasure as she took his cock deep into her throat, one hand around the base of his shaft, the other cradling his balls. She looked up at him, her liquid dark eyes smoldering. In that moment, she was the one in total control, and they both knew it. Adam surrendered himself to her in a powerful climax. He slumped against the stall wall, pinned there by her mouth still covering his cock, milking away every last drop.

He opened his eyes and looked down at the lovely girl smiling up at him, her eyes sparkling. He was no longer sure who had set out to comfort or distract whom. He laughed, delighted with this wonderful woman.