“Now,” he growled softly. “Get on your knees and worship my cock, slave girl. Make sure to swallow every drop.”

Her cunt still pulsing, Shani instantly dropped to her knees in front of Adam, her mouth watering with anticipation. He placed one masterful hand on her head and slowly guided his shaft into her mouth with the other.

She opened herself to him, accepting him deep into her throat. Though she’d just come, her body instantly tingled with lust as he moved slowly in and out of her mouth. It wasn’t long before he quickened his pace, thrusting faster, his breath quickening.

He grunted and stiffened in the second before ejaculation. Then, with a cry, he spurted down her throat, his cock so far back that she didn’t even need to swallow. With a satisfied groan, he fell back against the leather, his cock falling away from her lips. He lay still, eyes closed, his shaft lightly fisted in his hand, a sweet, sated expression on his face.

With a satisfied smile, Shani rose to her feet and went into the small kitchen galley. She found a tray and two wine glasses, along with a sleeve of fancy rosemary crackers. Opening the small refrigerator, she took out a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, a wedge of Brie and a bunch of green grapes. She opened the wine, put everything on the tray and carried it back into the cabin.

Adam had tucked himself away and zipped up his jeans. He smiled as she approached. “That looks wonderful.” He pulled the side table over so it was in front of the seats.

Shani set down the tray and started to reach for her panties, which Adam had dropped onto the seat beside him.

“No, you don’t,” he said with a grin. “I’ll hold onto these for you.” He slid them into his pocket. “After all, you can’t very well receive the spanking I plan to give you with panties on, now can you?”Chapter 6Tyler dropped Adam and Shani off at the Portland-Hillsboro airport, leaving them on the tarmac just outside the terminal building. Shani reached into the outside pocket of her travel bag and pulled out a light jacket. The temperature was nearly twenty degrees lower than the island, hovering at seventy three.

As they waited for the rental car shuttle, Adam glanced at his watch. “”I love traveling in this direction. Our bodies think it’s six thirty, but my watch says three thirty. We have three extra hours.”

Shani lifted her pretty face to the sky and drew in a deep breath as she hugged herself. “It feels amazing to be back. The air is so fresh. And the mountains! I didn’t realize how much I missed that backdrop on the horizon.” She turned to flash Adam a lovely smile. “Thanks for doing this for me.”

“You kidding?” Adam said with a grin. “You’re doing it for me. I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing you for so short a time. I would have canceled if you couldn’t have come with me. I can’t thank you enough for dropping everything to make this happen.”

The shuttle appeared and they climbed onboard, bags in tow. Once Adam had acquired a rental car and they were seated inside, he said, “Let’s go check in at the hotel and pop over to the event center. I want to make sure my shipment arrived and check out my booth. The event kicks off at eight tomorrow night. The actual trade show starts then, and at ten the fun begins. Did you ever get a chance to go to a BDSM Connections event when you lived here?”

Shani shook her head, a dark look flashing across her features, gone as quickly as it had arrived. “I’ve heard about it, though. I’m excited to check it out.”

“And what about your mom? Does she know you’re here? We could drive out to the reservation in the morning, if you wanted.” Suddenly unsure if she wanted him to go with her, he added, “Or if you want to go alone, you can take the car. The hotel is walking distance from BDSM Connections, so it won’t be an inconvenience for me.”

Shani flashed him a sweet, shy smile. “I’d love it if you came with me. I should warn you, though. My mom will probably interrogate you as to your ‘intentions.’” She used her fingers to make air quotes around the word. “My sisters, too. They’re all very protective of me. I’ve made some, uh, unfortunate choices when it comes to men in the past. Well, one guy in particular. They don’t know the details, but they know he made me unhappy.”

Again, that same dark, anguished look appeared and then vanished. Adam sensed the “unhappy” was a major understatement. He recalled her terrified reaction when he’d placed his hand on her throat. He was pretty sure this guy she was referring to was the one who had installed that particular negative trigger. Again, the desire to beat the guy to a pulp surged through him. Was he someone who was active in the local BDSM scene? Adam wanted to probe, but decided to keep his promise to himself to let her take the lead. When she was ready to share, she would.