“Okay, then. But there’s one thing I need first.”
I search his eyes, confused. “What’s that?”
“Follow me.” He leads me into the living room, walks to a bookcase, and grabs my marriage license from where he’d stashed it for safekeeping. He holds it out to me. “Burn this.”
“All right.” I stride to the mantle and reach for the pack of matches he keeps there. I shake one out and strike it.
He grabs my hand before I set the flame to the corner of the document. “You sure about this, Elaina? Once you destroy that, there’s no going back.”
In answer, I put the match to it, and flames curl the paper, climbing higher. I toss it into the fireplace, and we both stand and watch as it's quickly consumed down to ash.
“Happy?” I meet his eyes.
He arches a brow. “Are you?”
I take a long, deep breath. “Yes. I feel like a weight is off my shoulders. That part of my life is over and done.”
He moves to me, brushes my hair out of the way, and trails gentle kisses along the curve of my neck, running his hands across the bare skin of my shoulders and arms.
“I’ve thought all night about having you, touching your skin, your curves, your sexy body. You have no idea how obsessed I am with you.”
Sighing, all the fight goes out of me. I lean into him, loving the feel of his hands on me. “Every time I glanced up, your eyes were on me.”
“I couldn’tstop.I wanted to punch every man in the clubhouse who was doing the same thing I was. You drove me insane in this outfit. All I could think about was making you mine and making sure every man in the clubhouse knew it.”
“The look in your eyes made me feel beautiful, potent, powerful.”
“You are all those things. You’ve got me under your spell, and I can’t fight it anymore. I want to make you mine.”
I quiver with the need for him to do just that. I’ve never in my life wanted a man more than I want him right now. In this moment. Finally.
I turn in his arms. “Then do it. Tonight, I’m yours.”
His eyes turn molten.
Taking the chain that hangs from the collar around my neck and dangles between my breasts, he leads me to his bedroom, then he tugs the chain, bringing me to stand before him.
His eyes trail over every single inch of exposed skin, and there’s a lot.
The room is dimly lit, and he doesn’t turn any lights on. That leaves just the golden light pouring in the doorway from the main room. It casts an erotic glow, and his eyes glitter.
“Have I told you how much I love this costume? Have I told you how sexy you look?”
My mouth parts, and his eyes drop to it.
“All I can think about is getting those pretty lips wrapped around my dick again. Are you mine tonight? My beautiful prize? Mine to do with as I please, my pretty captive?”
I’m breathless. “It would seem so, Captain.”
He flashes a wicked grin. “I’m thinking of all the possibilities.”
He dips his head to breathe in my scent and threads his fingers through my honey curls.
He still looks every bit the pirate captain.
“What wicked thoughts are you thinking?” I whisper.
“I’m thinking you look like mine.” He runs a finger under one golden strap of my costume. “I like this.”