Page 5 of Healing Bonds

He stood first and mock-saluted the crowd, his eyes never leaving mine as pulled me up and held my body tightly against his. “Kiss me again… please,” I begged in a whisper, tracing the edge of his jaw with my nose. He groaned low in his throat, and he shifted his body to face me before his lips crashed down on mine with an urgency that rocked my entire world.

He kissed me without warning, simply because he couldn’t deny me. He needed my lips just as much as I needed his. I belonged to him, and he was claiming me again, making me his again after so damn long apart.

His lips and tongue invaded my senses as he dominated my mouth, fingers curling into my red hair, pulling me impossibly closer. “I need you.” His breathless voice washed over me, sending a wave of goosebumps across my flesh.

“I’m yours,” I panted in response.

His nose brushed against mine as we took in a breath of fresh air, eyes closed, savoring this moment together. His hand trailed down my back, his fingers tracing the curve of my spine as though he was reminding me just how much he has wanted me all these months.

“Don’t tease a desperate man, spitfire.” When I opened my eyes, he was already staring down at me, his pupils dilated, blue eyes darkening with lust as he stared back at me.

“I love you, Ryan.”

He grinned—the grin that I loved so damn much—and it made my heart swell with so much adoration for him that I could barely contain it. “I love you, my sweet girl.”

Our bubble of intimacy popped when Celine crashed into Ryan, jumping on his back, almost toppling all of us over onto the floor. He grunted in surprise, releasing me to grip the backsof her knees. “Ryan!” she shrieked, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I missed you.”

Ace and Ryan fist-bumped while I could only stare at him, suddenly completely speechless as the realization that my man had come home finally sets in. Ryan and Ace share a quiet conversation, a weird handshake, and then Ryan pockets whatever Ace gave him.

“What’s that?” I pointed at the bulge in Ryan’s pocket. His eyes widen, along with Ace’s.

“I’ll show you at home. It’s a surprise,” Ryan quickly answered.

“Come on, tell me?” I pleaded, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He only smiled, his expression softening.

“At home. I promise, you’ll enjoy it more in the privacy of our home than here.” He winked, his eyes scanning my body, and my cheeks flushed. He had always been capable of turning me on with a single glance, and I loved that his ability to do so hadn’t changed or lessened in our time apart.

Ryan bent down to pick up his forgotten duffle and shouldered his green backpack before reaching out to me and grabbing my hand, when I hesitated, suddenly unsure. “I promise you that you’re going to love it.” His fingers curled around my hand, and that familiar feeling of safety and security wrapped around me again.

On the drive home in Ace’s new truck, Celine convinced me to go with her to pick up food for lunch, insisting that Ryan needed a chance to shower and unwind from his long flight. The thought of being separated so soon after finally being together again made my heart constrict and beat a little faster, but Ryan’s tight squeeze on our linked hands reassured me that he’d still be there at home when I got back. He wasn’t leaving again. Hepromised.

At the apartment building, we switched vehicles, taking my small, beat-up sedan I’d bought when I first moved to Florida seven years ago. The leather was worn but soft. The heated seats no longer worked and neither did the radio, so Celine and I sat in silence for the first few minutes.

“I was thinking we could grab burgers from the corner place.” She nodded at me, too busy typing away on her phone to listen. “Who are you so busy texting?” I finally demanded, irritated.

“Ace. Who else?” She laughed, putting her phone in her bag.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Nothing had changed in seven years; they still textedallthe time. It was like they couldn’t get enough of each other. I was happy for her, though. Celine had been through too much, had lost too much, to not deserve every ounce of happiness she could obtain.

“Do you know what he gave Ryan?” I asked her.

“Yes, but I’m not telling you,” she teased.

I scowled. “Should I be concerned?” I suddenly frowned, worried for Ryan. “Is it drugs for PTSD?”

“Oh, God, no!” she quickly assured me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew Ryan wouldn’t be the same man I’d loved when he came back home, but I didn’t want him suffering. Ineverwanted that for him, and I’d lowkey been terrified he would be plagued with flashbacks and nightmares. “You’re going to love it, Ames! Now, let’s hurry so we can get home to our men.”

The morning rain showers had turned the roads slick and the air muggy, so when we stepped out of the cool car, we both groaned at the wall of humidity surrounding us. It was almost hard to breathe in.

“It’s so fucking humid. I think winter skipped us this year,” Celine mumbled as she opened the door of the small burger joint.

“It’s mid-April,” I reminded her. “It’s all those spring showers. When have we ever had a nice winter here?” I laughedas we joined the short line, glancing at the hanging menu, even though I already knew what I would order.

“I always forget that you aren’t a Florida native.” She sighed, looking down at her phone.

The line moved quickly, and we embraced the humid air once more after we got our food. Once we were back in the car, I rushed back home with the heavenly scent of burgers filling the small space.

Celine texted the whole way back, barely paying me any mind. I frowned. “Cece, what’s going on?” I asked, pulling into the garage.