“Continue, I’m listening.” And I am. Intently.

“We believe one of your men and my men are working together and have been for some time without it being known on either side. We also believe that they have information regarding your mother’s death.”

The way he says my mother’s death makes it seem real, and I hate seeing it like that. I clench my fists tightly together to stop myself from lashing out at him.

“What do you mean? You either have the proof that such things are taking place, or you don’t.”

He runs a hand through his graying hair. He reminds me so much of my father in the way he talks, stands, and in his gestures and mannerisms. If he weren’t from another mafia family, I would consider him to be my own blood.

“See, that’s the problem, Lorenzo. We have nothing other than a lead that led us to a dead body. This is the mafia, and you know about as much as we do. Our people know how to kill, we train them, teach them to do so. They will kill every lead we get, and they’ll disappear right from under our noses.”

He’s right. Fuck, he’s right. I run a hand through my hair, hoping it will ease some of the tension. There is too much going on right now between the girl upstairs, this, and the many debts that need to be settled…

“Luccio,” I sigh.

“Lorenzo, I know you’re a busy man. I wouldn’t have come to you if I didn’t believe this information. I’m trying to look out for the best of both of our kingdoms, fratello.” I know he means it out of the kindness of his heart. No one else has ever called me their brother.

“I get that. I truthfully do, but you do understand what accusing our own kind does, don’t you?” I have to ask him. It will cause an uprising if anyone discovers what we will be doing. If it is discovered that we are wrong, we would be seen as weak, and weak in the mafia just gives people another reason to take you out.

A smile tips at his lips. “Yes, young Lorenzo, I do. Have you forgotten your father and I worked together?”

“No, I haven’t,” I say, returning his smile. The mafia is my family. My men are my family. That’s just how it works.

“Good. I will keep you updated, I just want you to watch your men and do so diligently. We will smell ’em out, and when we do, I have a bullet with their name on it.” I can see the determination in his eyes.

I nod my head. “Yes. If I find anything out, I will give you a call.”

He stands suddenly, bending down to place a kiss on my forehead. It is meant out of respect, and he says, “Thank you for seeing me.” And then he is out the door.

“What was that about?” Mack comes into the sitting room after closing the door behind them. He looks a bit leery of me, and then it occurs to me—should I tell him?

“Luccio thinks there may be a pig among us. Came by to let me know,” I lie. Well, half lie. I can’t possibly tell him everything, even if I trust him. In this line of business, no one can ever be fully trusted. Lines can never be drawn, or they will be crossed daily. It is best to keep things to yourself.

“Well, if I hear anything among the men, I will let you know,” Mack assures me.

“Thank you,” I reply, dismissing him. The fact that my mother’s killer is out there, beneath one of our two families, is far too much for me to stomach. I find myself crawling back upstairs to my bathroom to take another shower.

It is funny how I can kill left and right and pull people from their families like nothing, but something so simple can bring me to my knees. It doesn’t matter how much I say I don’t care, or how much I try to bathe in the blood of those I kill, it never takes the pain away, never makes me forget.8AmaraWhen I awake, I’m alone. The spot next to mine in the bed is cold, and I sigh in relief. This is the second morning I’m waking up in his bed, and I’m not even a little more used to it than yesterday.

I can hear the water running in the bathroom, even though the door is closed. I know he is taking a shower, which is weird because he took one last night as well.

He must really like his showers.

Lorenzo, or Enzo, or whatever the hell he calls himself, told me he would kill me over and over again yesterday. Except I don’t believe him, not even after I watched him kill that man downstairs yesterday. Saw how easy it was for him to take a life.