“No,” I say in the same cold tone he’d given me. A fire ignites in his eyes, and I wonder if that’s what gets him off—killing people and sex.

“No?” he questions, eyebrows raised.

“No. As in N.O.,” I repeat again, spelling it out for him in case he isn’t aware. I don’t want to have sex with him, not yet. Not that there is shit I can do about it. I will still try, though.

Shaking his head, he gives me a disappointed look. A look that has me on high alert. I just disobeyed him again.

“Okay,” he finally says, smiling. It is a dazzling one, you know, the kind that makes you go all weak in the knees? Yeah, that one. I’m so caught up that I don’t notice his body moving, or that he is within a breath’s distance from grabbing me. Picking me up, he pulls my pajama pants and panties down to my ankles and places my ass on the cold wood of his desk.

“No!” I shriek out, holding my legs together. If he wants something from me, he will have to take it because I am not giving him anything.

He smiles again, pulling my pants and panties from my ankles so my legs can be moved freely.

“Yes,” he growls, his hands gripping my upper thighs.

“No,” I counter back with the same amount of intensity. “I refuse to have sex with you yet.”

His hands skim up my thighs and up my stomach until one is tilting my chin up to him, and the other is playing with a lock of my hair.

“I won’t fuck you yet,” he says softly, his breath tickling my face, and it is then, when we are nose to nose, that I can really see gold flakes in his eyes. They almost make him look like a lion.

“What will you do then?” I’m not naïve. I’m young, still very much a virgin, but I’m not stupid. I’ve made out with boys and let them feel me up, but it never went as far as I am now—naked from the waist down.

“I need to release some tension, and instead of calling a high-class whore, I figured I have you here, so why not use you…” Use me. The words make acid build up in my stomach. He leans forward, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip.

A spark of pain and pleasure shoots straight to my core. He is fire to my insides, igniting something inside of me that I have never felt before, even though it feels wrong, and being used is something I don’t want, his lips feel right. His hands on me feel right. Our hearts beating as one feels even more right.

“Let me...” he begs, his kisses on my neck cause my chest to feel feverish. I can’t tell which way is up or down, and a burning feeling is settling into my core, all I can do is nod my head in response. He lays me back down, kissing a small path over my neck before lifting my spaghetti top and blazing a fire of kisses across my stomach.

Once I realize he is going further south, all the fuzzy feelings leave me. I have never had that done before, and I’m not sure I want to try it now. I clam up, but my insides are still burning with need. I don’t know what to do because there is no way my legs are spreading. At this moment, I hate being so inexperienced.

Enzo obviously notices my hesitation as he pulls away, his eyes seeking mine.

“I’ve never even done this…” I trail off, completely embarrassed with myself and lack of sexual conquests.

He smiles, and I’ll be damned if my insides don’t jump up and down. “It’s okay. I will be careful, I promise this won’t hurt. Just let me in…” His breath is deliciously hot against my skin. I know, even if he doesn’t say it, this is part of the agreement, I came with him for this.

Spreading my legs just the slightest bit, I bite my lip hard to stop myself from crying out. The simplest movements have me on the edge.

He looks down at me, a hunger so deep and primal within him, I wonder if he has changed into an animal.

He lingers over my lady bits before bringing his eyes back up to mine.

“You’re beautiful and untainted. You really are mine in every…single…way.” His fingers separate my folds before I hear him drop to his knees. All I can feel is his hot breath on my entrance. I close my eyes as confusion and lust fill every pore of my body. I can’t help but feel like I’m betraying myself. I want him, I admit, but to want him this badly after all he has done, after only knowing him a short time… Is it wrong?