Page 25 of Dirty Rumors

Sitting up, I roll my shoulders and run my fingers through my hair, taking a few deep breaths before I head downstairs to make some much-needed coffee.

By not pressuring me in the slightest, Carson won my trust. Jumping into bed with him right away was all my repressed libido’s fault, and I guess it was technically too soon, but it felt so right I am not upset at the way it all shook out. He’s done everything right from the very beginning. It’s time for me to make a grand gesture.

I make breakfast and eat immediately, so that I can shower while the other girls are having theirs and take the time to pick out a nice but casual dress. They’re a bit grumpy that I hustle us all out the door super early but understand when I explain on the way to Carson’s house.

We’re early enough that his truck is still in the driveway when they drop me off. I knock on the door, then start laughing when he answers in nothing but snug black boxer briefs that leave nothing to the imagination.

“Hey.” His voice is still scratchy from sleep as he rubs the back of his head.

“What if I had been a delivery person?” I giggle.

He follows my gaze down to the incredible display of morning wood and smirks. “I guess somebody would’ve gotten an eyeful.” He winks. “But I get everything delivered to the shop, since it’s a shorter drive for them.”

His thick arms feel so perfect as he squeezes me tightly, then bundles me into the house. “What are you doing here?” He looksme up and down anxiously. “Are you okay? What can I do to help?”

Carson begins to move us to the couch, but I put my arms around him, bringing us face to face. “I absolutely love that your first instinct is to take care of me,” I whisper, as my palms gravitate to his chest.

“Well, of course.” His hands gently rub my lower back. “Anything you need, kitten. Always.” He chuckles. “I’ve heard men talk about wanting to be that tough, strong provider type before, and it never clicked until I met you. But…yeah… I want to provide for you. Even though that sounds completely dorky, doesn’t it?”

“No, I think I get it.” Stretching up, I kiss him gently. Twenty seconds later, the kiss has taken on a life of its own as we melt together. We devour each other, and I barely realize I’m in the air until Carson sets me down on the dining room table.

“Wait.” He grabs my hands and steps back. “I shouldn’t interrupt. You must have come over here for a reason. I’m listening.”

Every rumor I’ve heard about men being only after one thing vanishes into thin air. This man is not all men. That said, Carson does only want one thing. To make me happy and comfortable.

Okay, that’s two things. My mind is still scrambled from that kiss. Whatever.

“I want to tell you that I’m changing my rule.”

His thick eyebrows quirk up. “Go on.”

“That rule was designed for losers that I shouldn’t have been dating anyway. The new rule is that I’m allowed to date at any age, provided that the guy is unbelievably thoughtful and caring.”

His smile ignites some special tingles in my lower belly. “Go on.”

“So there is a whole new laundry list of criteria for men I’m allowed to date.” I tick them off on my fingers. “He needs to be protective, but not possessive. He needs to be a sexy mountain man. He needs to make me laugh every single day. He needs to have all of his ducks in a ludicrously well-trained row.” It’s impossible to stop my grin. “And…this one’s real specific…his name needs to be Carson Dirty.”

“Well, shit.” He steps back, lightly scratching his chiseled abs. “That’s quite a list. If you need help looking for this guy, I can?—”

Hooking his thigh with my foot, I jerk him toward me, and we start kissing while still laughing. Carson has my skirt flipped up and my panties off before I even realize he’s touching me. He cradles the back of my head as he lays me down across the table, stretching my hands back so they pillow my head.

It feels like my pussy is swelling, already wet and ready for him as he gently shoves my thighs apart. He pulls a dining room chair into place and sits, placing my feet up on the table, so that I’m spread wide open as he drags my hips toward him. I really do feel like his dinner, as he licks across every fold and dip, finding every untouched nerve.

“I want to eat you like this every single night,” he growls. His thumb dances across my slippery entrance, just dipping inside enough to tease and make me whine with need. “Don’t worry, kitten. I’ve got you.”

His arms scoop under my legs to grip my hips, pinning me in place. Lifting my head slightly, I watch as his tongue quickly circles my clit, making me melt.

My hips are trying to shift even in his iron grip. “Mm-mm,” he growls, barely shaking his head as if telling me to keep still. I try my best to obey, and am rewarded with a long, sinuous, lick straight across my pussy and around my clit that leaves me breathless.

“Come on my tongue, kitten.” His commanding tone makes me shiver. As I relax into his touch with his warm breath against my sensitive skin, I realize why I’ve let go completely. Why the climax is rushing over me so hard and fast already.

I’m in love with him.

With a man I’ve barely known for a week. Yet here I am, ignoring the stupid rumors, ignoring my dumb rule.

My heart nearly bursts from my chest as I watch him wink before sliding two thick fingers into me. I grit my teeth and try to hold off as long as I can, but the raw intimacy of his mouth against my pussy sends me over the edge.

My spine arches as my knees grip the sides of his head, my body rocking against him as I pant and gasp.