“Why are you telling me this?” I ask suspiciously.

His grip on my hand tightens. “Because you need to know to protect yourself, to bring Damiano in line, and because I trust you not to hurt my grandson to get my son’s attention.”

The words catch me off guard. I swallow hard, pushing down the emotions threatening to surface.

“There’s more.” He pauses for a sustained breath, and his color marginally improves. “Damiano’s been skimming profits from our legitimate businesses.”

My eyes widen. “Skimming? For what?”

“An offshore account. For the boy and Isabella. I’ve known... turned a blind eye.”

The consequences of that information hit me. “If the others found out...”

Santino nods gravely. “It would turn them against him. Destroy everything he’s built.”

I process this, my mind whirling with possibilities. “Why now? Why tell me all this?”

His gaze is filled with regret and resolve. “Because I can’t let him continue this feud against you, Felicity. I want to make things right. With you, with the family. I want you and Damiano to have a sibling relationship, but he needs to get his head out of his ass to make that possible.”

His words hang in the air between us as I struggle to respond, torn between the years of resentment and the unexpected vulnerability of this moment. “I don’t know what to say.”

He squeezes my hand with a marked lack of strength that leaves my chest aching. “You don’t have to say anything. Just use this information wisely. Protect yourself, and maybe... find it in your heart to forgive an old man’s mistakes.”

I sit in silence, contemplating his words. The door opens, and a nurse enters, signaling the end of our visit.

As I stand to leave, Santino calls out, “Felicity?”

I turn back to him.

“Remember,” he says, his voice weak but urgent. “Family is everything. No matter what.”

I nod, unable to form words, and exit the room. Kiril is waiting, looking poised to jump if there’s any hint I’m in danger. “Are you okay?” he asks.

I shrug, my mind still reeling from the revelations. “I’m not sure, but I have some information we need to discuss.”

Kiril’s expression turns serious. “Let’s talk at the penthouse.”

As we walk away from Santino’s room, I cast one last glance back. The door closes, leaving me with a heart full of jumbled emotions, and a head full of dangerous secrets. Kiril’s hand on my lower back guides me through the lobby and into the waiting car. As soon as the door closes, I lean against him, unsure what to do with my newfound knowledge.

The ride back is tense, but I focus on my breathing and I feel a bit better.

When we arrive, Kiril dismisses Viktor and leads me to his office. He closes the door behind us and turns to face me. “What did Santino tell you?”

“Damiano has a secret family in Naples. A woman named Isabella, and a five-year-old son, Tony,” I blurt, unable to keep it in any longer.

Kiril’s brows form a deep V. “That’s unexpected, and potentially very useful.”

“There’s more. Damiano’s been skimming profits from the legitimate businesses to support them. Santino’s known about it but turned a blind eye.”

His nostrils flare as though he’s smelled something interesting, like blood in the water. “This is going to change everything. If the others found out…”

“It would destroy him. Santino gave me this information to defend myself. To use against Damiano if necessary, but he’s hoping we can find a way to be a family.” My tone betrays my doubts.

Kiril paces the room, clearly working through the possibilities. “We need to verify this information, and if it’s true, we need to act quickly.”

I nod. “What do you suggest?”

He stops pacing and looks at me. “We send a team to Naples. Discreetly observe Isabella and Tony to gather evidence of their connection to Damiano.”