The room buzzes with excited whispers as my people discuss the details of the operation. The hunger for action, and the desire to strike back at our enemies, is prominent in their body language.
While the energy is still good, I form our group into teams, organizing them the best that I can on such a short notice.
Once the plans are set and everyone knows their place, we move into action. There can be no delay in what we’re about to do, no hesitation to give warning about what’s to come. We act quickly because it’s the only way to find success in such a precarious operation.
The night air is thick with anticipation as we approach our targets. I can smell the tension, but I also smell the crisp scent of victory close ahead.
Felicity is unhappily coordinating between the teams. It’s the most I’d allow her to do while pregnant, and to my surprise, she didn’t resist too much. She knows that holding a gun and becoming a real target isn’t going to happen tonight. Or ever, if I’m being honest.
So, with as much preparation as we can have at such short notice, I lead the team heading to the nightclub, eager for the impending chaos.
We burst through the doors of the club, the pulsing music suddenly drowned out by screams and shouts of confusion. “Everyone out,” I roar, my men fanning out to secure the premises.
The patrons scramble for the exits as we methodically tear apart the place. I direct my men to the back offices, where we find stacks of cash and incriminating financial records. We stuff everything into duffel bags, leaving nothing behind.
As we work, I receive updates from Felicity, transferring from Viktor, about the port operation. My phone buzzes with another text, and I have a moment, so I look at it.
“They’ve secured the weapons shipment. Minimal resistance. Loading everything onto our trucks now.”
I allow myself a small smile of satisfaction.“Excellent work. Make sure nothing’s left behind.”
“I’ll relay the message, since that’s all you trust me to do,”she texts back.
I chuckle and put away my phone to finish our task. The once-luxurious interior is now a wasteland of broken furniture and shattered glass. As we prepare to leave, I spot a lone figure cowering behind the bar.
“Please,” whimpers the man as I approach. “I’m just a bartender. I don’t know anything.”
I study him for a moment, then toss him a wad of cash. “For your trouble,” I say coldly. “And a message for Damiano. This is just the beginning.”
We exit the club, leaving behind a scene of calculated destruction. As we drive away, I call Viktor directly, since the job of relaying messages was one I basically invented for Felicity. “Status report?”
“Mission accomplished, boss,” he says. “We’re heading back now. Felicity did great with the coordination.”
I grin. I’m sure she’s onto me, but she was still determined to do a thorough job. “Good. We’ll regroup at Location C.” It’s one of our warehouses, where we plan to store the guns and distribute the cash.
As we drive through the city, I reflect on the night’s events. This swift and decisive action will send a clear message about my power and commitment to protecting my interests and family. Damiano will think twice before crossing us again.
Yet this is far from over. The war has only just begun, and I’ll need every resource at my disposal to emerge victorious. As we approach the warehouse, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to keep my family safe and my empire intact.
Viktor drives me home after everything has settled down. I expect to find Felicity waiting for me in the living room, mildly annoyed with being sidelined, but the space is empty. I pace the length of our penthouse living room, about to call out to her, when a retching sound from the bathroom catches my attention. I stride toward it, concern creasing my brow. I find Felicity hunched over the toilet, her body shaking with each heave.
I kneel beside her, gathering her hair away from her face with one hand while rubbing soothing circles on her back with the other. “Easy, darling.I’m here.”
When the spell passes, she slumps against me, exhausted. I grab a washcloth, dampen it with cool water, and gently wipe her face.
“Is this morning sickness or something more?” I ask, studying her pale face.
Felicity shakes her head, her eyes meeting mine. They’re filled with fear, confusion, and a hint of shame. “I don’t know. Maybe both?”
I help her to her feet, supporting her as we make our way to the bedroom. Once she’s settled on the bed, I sit beside her, taking her hand in mine.
“Talk to me, Felicity. What’s going on in that head of yours?”
She takes a shaky breath. “It’s just... all of this. The violence, the danger. I thought I knew what I was getting into but knowing and experiencing are two different things.”