I laugh, the sound melodious and practiced. “Oh, you know, the usual. Tales of daring escapades and narrow escapes. Though I’m sure they pale in comparison to the real adventures you’ve all had.”
As I speak, I catch sight of my husband watching me from across the room. I resist the urge to meet his gaze, lest I get totally distracted. Instead, I focus on the couple before me while reading the minute shifts in their expressions.
“You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you?” The mansays with a chuckle, his eyes sharp despite his jovial tone. “Kiril’s a lucky man.”
“I like to think we’re both fortunate,” I say smoothly, lifting my champagne flute in a small salute. It’s the same one I’ve been carrying all night, but no one seems to notice I don’t actually drink from it. “If you’ll excuse me, I see an old friend I simply must greet.”
I glide away, my heels silent on the plush carpet, heart thudding beneath my calm exterior. Each conversation is a delicate balancing act, revealing enough to seem open while guarding the truth of my past, and my inexperience in this world of shadows and power. As I approach another group, I take a steadying breath, ready to don yet another mask in this masquerade.
During a lull in the conversation, I notice the same waiter from earlier, still looking uneasy. He fumbles with a tray of drinks, nearly spilling them. Something about his behavior nags at me, but I push the thought aside as Oksana approaches me again. He can’t be here to cause trouble. Someone would’ve done something by now.
“So, Felicity,” Oksana says, sipping her martini. “How are you finding our little gathering?”
I smile. “It’s certainly eye-opening. I never expected to be rubbing elbows with such influential people.”
Oksana chuckles. “We’re not so different from anyone else, my dear. We just play for higher stakes.”
“Speaking of stakes,” I say, leaning in conspiratorially, “I hear the buy-in for tonight’s game is quite substantial.”
“Indeed it is.” Oksana cocks a brow. “Are you planning to join us at the table?”
I glance at Kiril, who’s deep in conversation with another man. “I’m not sure. It might be best if I observe this time.”
“Nonsense. You must play. I insist.”
As we continue chatting, I’m nervous but a little excited too. I’m about to sit down at a poker table with some of the most dangerous people in the world, and I’m determined to hold my own.
The nervous waiter passes by again, this time with a tray of hors d’oeuvres. His hand shakes slightly as he offers the tray to us. I take a canapé, studying him closely. There’s sweat beading on his forehead, and his gaze keeps darting toward the exit.
“Is everything all right?” I ask him softly.
He startles, nearly dropping the tray. “Yes, ma’am. Everything’s fine.”
As he hurries away, I turn back to Oksana, who’s watching me with interest.
“You’re observant,” she says. “A valuable trait in our world.”
I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. “I’m still learning. There’s so much to take in.”
“You’re doing admirably.” She links her arm through mine. “Shall we join the others at the table? I’m eager to see how you fare in a real game.”
As we make our way to the poker table, I catch Kiril’s eye. He gives me a subtle nod of encouragement, and I inhale quickly, steeling myself for what’s to come. This is my chance to prove myself in this new world, and I won’t let Kiril down.
The cards are dealt, and the game begins. I study my hand with excitement. This isn’t just about money, it’s also about respect and acceptance into this dangerous yet intoxicating world. I have to prove myself.
I glance around the table, taking in the faces of the other players. Oksana sits to my left, her expression unreadable. Dmitri is across from me, a cigar clenched between his teeth. Kiril is at the far end, gaze meeting mine briefly before returning to his cards.
The first hand goes smoothly. I play conservatively, folding early when I realize my cards aren’t strong enough. I watch the others, noting their tells and betting patterns.
The second hand is where things get interesting. I’m dealt a pair of queens. As the betting progresses, I stay in, raising when appropriate. By the end, it’s down to me and Dmitri. I call his bet, and we reveal our cards. My queens beat his pair of tens.
“Well played, Mrs. Pimaslov,” says Dmitri, nodding approvingly as I rake in the chips.
Kiril smiles at me as he dips his head slightly in acknowledgment of my win. I allow myself a moment of pride before focusing on the next hand. As the dealer shuffles for the third game, I notice the nervous waiter from earlier approaching our table. He’s carrying a tray of drinks, but his movements are stiff and unnatural. My dancer’s instincts kick in, and I watch him closely as he sets a glass in front of Oksana, who is on the opposite side of Kirl. It’s unnecessarily awkward, and either he’s a new waiter, or he’s up to something.
Time seems to slow as I see the waiter’s hand move, quick and subtle, as he crosses over Kiril’s drink. Something drops into the drink, a tiny white tablet that dissolves almost instantly.
Without thinking, I stand up and stretch as far as I can, knocking over Kiril’s glass. The liquid spills across the table, seeping into the green felt. Several of the players gasp as I stare at the waiter, who pales.