After all the snacking everyone’s done for the past hour, I’m not sure how any of us are going to make it through thefirst.

I wave goodbye, then hurry to my spot at the head of the table when I realize everyone’s been patiently waiting for me to get started. The plates are already filled with street tacos, and despite my not being very hungry, my mouth starts watering at the sight of them. The same could be said for everyone else, apparently, because the room lapses into silence, save for the clank of dishes as everyone inhales their food.

“You said you have movies set up?” asks Carson on my right. “Which ones?”

Leo shrugs from the opposite head of the table. “Whatever you guys want.”

“So a romcom then.” Marti shoots me a knowing smile, and Trish laughs beside her.

“You guys can’t make fun of me on my birthday. It’s against the rules.”

“I agreed to no such rules,” says Carson as she sips her wine.

“Gracie, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” says Alison on my left as she finishes her own glass, “how’s the new job and everything going?”

“It’s, uh, it’s been good.” I fight to keep my voice light, but the tightness in my throat ruins it.

“What magazine did you say it was again?”

“Magazine?” asks Keava.

Trish elbows Alison beneath the table, and she sends her a questioning look. Carson grimaces and sinks a little lower in her chair.

“Can we talk about this later?” I say under my breath.

Alison cocks her head. I can’t tell if she’s having one of her semi-bitchy moments and doing this on purpose, or if she genuinely hasn’t picked up on what Marti and Trish clearly have. “Um, what about the new boyfriend?” she asks instead. “I was kind of hoping we’d get to meet him here! Do you guys have plans for tomorrow instead or something?”

“Boyfriend?” asks Leo.

Jesus fucking Christ. I swallow hard, my face on fire as I feel all eyes at the table on me. Well, I’ve been wondering when it would all come crashing down, and it looks like this is it. It’s already twice as mortifying as I thought it would be. It feels like one of my nightmares, standing on stage in a packed auditorium, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

“I, um?—”

The room feels kind of fuzzy, and I realize I’m breathing too fast. My fight or flight response is screaming at me to get up and run. I lock eyes with Liam across the table. I can’t quite read that look on his face. His brow tight and jaw set off to the side like he’s…deciding something. Before I can stand, he does.

“That would be me.” He holds my gaze for a second longer before turning to Alison and extending a hand. “Don’t think we had a chance to meet earlier. I’m Liam.”

I stop breathing.

Alison says something I don’t hear. My attention is now locked on Leo, whose face has gone scarily blank as he looks between me and Liam.

Mercifully, Keava jumps in. “I think we could all use a break before any more food, yeah? We already have the seats set up out back. Girls, can a few of you give me a hand, and we’ll take some drinks out there?”

Her eyes are on Marti, Trish, and Alison, and though they barely know Keava, even they can tell it isn’t a suggestion. Carson takes one look at Leo currently glaring at Liam and jumps up from her seat too.

“I’ll help!”

Once everyone else is outside, Keava hesitates at the door, one hand extended toward me. “You too, Gracie.”

“I’m good here.”

Her fake smile disappears, and she jerks her head roughly to the side.

I meet Liam’s eyes, and he nods.

Keava ushers me outside and closes the sliding glass door behind us, but I break free of her hold before she can pull me away.

“Leo…” starts Liam, his voice muffled through the door. “I was going to tell you.”