“I think Li’s seeing someone,” he explains.
My heart careens into the pit of my stomach. He’s fishing here, but for what? Does he already know it’s me and just wants me to admit it? He doesn’tsoundsuspicious, but…Leo’s always been good at hiding his emotions. Liam must not have talked to him yet though, otherwise why not ask me outright? And Liam would’ve told me if the conversation happened, how it went.
I force myself to keep my voice light as I ask, “What makes you think that?”
He shrugs. “He’s been…happy lately.”
I snort. “And that’s unusual?”
The corners of his lips turn down and he nods his head from side to side. “Kinda.”
No, he doesn’t know anything. Not for sure, at least.
I relax a bit against my board.
“So youdidhave an ulterior motive for this little bonding trip,” I tease. “What, you want to know if I have any secret insider knowledge?”
He groans and rolls his eyes. “Forget I said anything.”
“No, no, you’ve got me where you want me. Trapped in the middle of the ocean. Pump me for information.”
“Doyou have information?”
I shrug. “No.But, if there’s something going on, I’m sure he’ll talk to you about it when he’s ready. Or you could always—this is groundbreaking, I know—askhimabout it.”
“Okay, okay, Dr. Gracie. Message received.” He rolls off his board with a large splash before I can respond, and I laugh and cover my face as it rains over me. He pops up a second later and shakes his hair out like a dog. “There is something else I wanted to talk to you about,” he says as he tugs himself on board.
I hum, but when he doesn’t say anything else, I remove my sunglasses and sit up.
He sits with his knees pulled into his chest and drapes his arms around them, his face screwed up like he’s debating his next words.
“Spit it out.”
He smirks and roughs a hand through his hair. “It’s a secret, so you have to keep it to yourself, okay?”
“Oooo, a secret.”
He gives me a flat look, but I can tell by the twitch in his lips that he’s fighting a smile. “Keava and I have decided this is the year we want to start a family.”
My jaw drops. “Is she…?”
“Not yet, but we’re hoping soon. So we don’t want to tell anyone until it happens, obviously—she knows I’m telling you,” he rushes to add.
“Leo, that’s so exciting.” I splash him. “How many?”
That gets a full laugh out of him. “Let’s start with one, then we’ll go from there.”
A whirlpool of emotions swirls in my gut. Excited and happy for them, of course. Stoked at the prospect of being the cool aunt. But also…Icannotstill be in that house once they add a newborn to the mix. And I don’t want them to feel like they need to put their lives on hold for me either. The house is small. They’re going to need the basement. If they turn the second bedroom into a nursery, they’ll need the space.
I know Leo would never kick me out, would never ask me to leave. But I don’t want him to feel stuck with me, like I’m overstaying my welcome.
Yet another reason for me to figure my life out. And soon.
“No one else knows?” I ask.
He shakes his head.
“But you told me?”