The intensity of his gaze as it locks on me makes me stumble to a stop, and I cross one arm over myself, hooking it around the opposite elbow. I don’t know why I feel so awkward all of a sudden. There’s something about standing here in his T-shirt first thing in the morning that makes me feel like…
Well, like something completely different happened last night.
“I keep forgetting to get groceries,” he says. “So I don’t really have anything for?—”
“It’s okay. I’m not hungry.”
“How are you…how are you feeling?”
“Fine,” I say a little too quickly, then fold myself into one of the kitchen chairs. “Thanks again. You know. For last night. And everything.”
“Of course.”
I nod.
He nods.
I pull my knees into my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. I’m not going to bring up the hand-holding if he’s not, but for some reason, it’s all I can think about right now.
I clear my throat. “What time does the shop open today?”
He frowns and takes a step forward. He opens and closes his mouth before he says, “Gracie…you can have the day off.”
“No, I’d really rather work,” I insist, meaning it. If I don’t, I’ll end up in Leo’s house alone all day with nothing to do but hyperfixate over every detail of last night, and I don’t know if I’m ready to do that. “If you have stuff for me to do, I’d like the distraction.”
He nods slowly and crosses his arms over his chest. “I can drop you off at Leo’s. Do you mind getting yourself to the shop? Say, eleven? I have a few things to take care of, otherwise I’d pick you?—”
“I’ve got the bike.”
I nod.
He nods.
And the strange tension in the air holds strong for the entire drive home.
Chapter Twenty-One
I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me today. From the moment Gracie stepped around the corner, I haven’t been able to string a coherent thought together, let alone get one out. I drive her to Leo’s in silence, cursing myself the entire time as I scramble for something to say.
But in the end, she just gives me a closed-lip smile and hurries inside, still in my clothes, her dress and shoes from last night draped over her arm.
It’s a confusing as fuck image.
But I also really,reallydon’t have time for this today.
I hadn’t realized what time it was until Gracie and I were in the car. I do the math in my head as I hurry across town, but no amount of breaking the speed limit is going to get me there in time.
The parking lot is full but quiet when I arrive since school started and everyone is already inside. I flip the visor down and check my hair before stepping out of the truck, smoothing my hands over my shirt, then jogging to the front door.
A rainbow carpet lines the entryway, and a woman with short gray hair smiles at me from the front desk as I rush inside.
“Sir.Sir,” she calls before I can get very far. “You can’t go any farther without a visitor’s pass.”
“Right. Um. I’m Liam Brooks.” I shove my hair out of my face and step in front of her desk. The entire thing is behind a wall of glass like this is a maximum-security prison and not an elementary school. “I’m sorry. I’m running late. But I’m here to see my brother, Casey Brooks. I signed a form for today, so I should be on the schedule or whatever.”