She flaps her hands frantically. “For God’s sake, pick it up before it goes to voicemail!”
“Hello, this is Gracie.” I cringe at the squeak in my voice.
“Hi, Gracie, this is Savannah with Bezzels. We spoke at your interview a few weeks ago.”
“Of course! I remember.”
“I wanted to deliver the good news to you myself. We’re pleased to offer you the position…”
Carson watches me with wide eyes, and I have to keep pinching myself to stay focused on what the woman is saying enough to process her words, my brain still tripping overWe’re pleased to offer you the position.
I was really beginning to think this day would never come. But I’d done it.I’d done it.After dozens upon dozens of form rejections or no response at all, I managed to find a company who thought I looked worth hiring. One in my field—not that I’m particularly passionate about fashion or designers, but it’s a huge company, and some experience there could open even bigger doors. And they have lots of other designers working there, ones I could hopefully learn from. Keep improving. Network.
First is the shock. Then the delight, the excitement. And then…
I feel the blood drain from my face as my gaze slowly swings to Liam’s shop.
If I’d gotten the call months ago, even weeks ago…
Butnow? When it feels like things are finally all going so well?
I must start responding at some point, but I think I black out because the next thing I know, I’m sitting with the phone in my lap and Carson shaking me by the shoulders.
“You just got the job!”
“I got the job,” I repeat numbly.
“Gracie is employed!” she cheers.
I blink, coming back to the car. This is a good thing. Itis. The thing I’ve been killing myself for all summer.
She cocks her head to the side. “How are you not so totally thrilled right now? Wait—is this not a good one? We didn’t want this one?”
“No, we did—Ido.”
She follows my gaze to Liam’s door, her expression softening.
I open the car door before she can comment on it, my brain already running a hundred miles an hour trying to figure out how I’m going to tell him. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
She nods as I climb out onto the sidewalk, then leans across the seats before I shut the door.
“Congratulations, Gracie.”
I wave as she drives off, but I don’t start walking. Not right away.
The Closed sign is already hanging in the window, but the lights are on, so he’s here. Working late, as always.
He’s sitting at the front desk when I step inside, and his grin when he sees me is immediate. I barely make it a few paces into the room before he jumps up, throws his arms around my waist, and lifts me in a hug so tight it steals my breath.
“You just couldn’t stay away, could you?”
“What can I say? I’m a workaholic,” I mutter.
He’s grinning as he sets me on my feet, but the smile falters as he takes in my face. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, yeah!” My voice comes out too fast, too high. “I wanted to surprise you. Thought maybe we could get dinner. And there’s something I need to tell you.”
His eyes sweep my face like he can read my thoughts there. “Okay.”