“Because…because I’m probably leaving soon anyway,” she continues. “And I don’t want things to be weird, or to make a big deal out of it, so what would be the point? And I don’t even knowwhat I’d tell him because, well.” She wrings her hands together in her lap. “I don’t really know what, exactly, is going on here.”
I stare straight ahead as I park along the curb outside her house. To be fair, I don’t know what’s going on here either, but I do know her words hit like a punch to the gut for more reasons than one.
Her eyes are round and wide in that trademark deer-in-headlights look of hers.
I clear my throat. “I…yeah, I won’t say anything. If that’s what you want.”
She’s back to chewing on her lip. “Is that okay?”
Her breath catches as I cradle the side of her face and lean in. My eyes flick to the house behind her—dark, so Leo and Keava aren’t back yet.
I feel like the only answer Icansay is yes. It’s not like she changed the rules here. I always knew it was a matter of time before she left. Knew there was nothing simple about kissing Leo’s sister.
Leo’s sister.
Even thinking those words now feels wrong. Because that’s not who she is.
She’s Gracie. And for the first time, she feels more mine than his.
Leo will never see it that way.
And maybe she won’t either.
“Whatever you want, Gracie,” I murmur.
The tension in her body subsides, and her eyes soften as they meet mine.
God, I can’t think when she looks at me like that.
“Thank you for the ride home.”
I kiss her on the forehead even though everything inside of me aches for more as I pull away.
Chapter Thirty
“Nope. No.” Liam steps back from the front desk and crosses his arms over his chest. “Just delete the whole thing.”
I roll my eyes. “Liam, this is a good thing.”
He points at the phone in my hand. “A dozen strangers on the internet commentingDaddyon a video of me isnota good thing.”
I fight to keep a straight face. Especially after hearing him say it. “You’re bound to get some weird comments when something goes viral. That’s just what happens. Did you even read the other comments?”
He covers his eyes with his hand like he physically can’t take any more.
Admittedly, the video did venture into a less-than-ideal demographic for a while. Not that it was entirely surprising. We’ve posted similar videos in the past—basically a before and after, starting with footage of Liam doing the tattoo, then transitioning to the finished piece. I threw a trending sound over the top, so you couldn’t hear the actual conversation going on, but I managed to catch a moment where Liam’s tongue flicked to the corner of his mouth, then he smirked, glanced up at his client, and laughed, and…well, I may have beenguilty of watching it several times myself. Not to mention it was golden hour, and the way the light fell on him highlighted his cheekbones, tan skin, and tattoos in a way that was mesmerizing.
Was it a little shameless? Maybe. But watch time matters, especially in those first few hours after you post, and gaining momentum from the wrong demographic helped us get a wide enough reach to find the right people, so that’s all that matters.
“‘I’m visiting the shore next week, where can I book?’ ‘Sick work, man.’ ‘Can’t wait to work with you,’” I read as I scroll, purposefully skipping over the even worse thirsty comments that he thankfully hasn’t seen yet. Not to mention the over-the-line ones I’ve already reported and blocked.
He peeks an eye between his fingers. “Those are just comments. That doesn’t mean?—”
“The shop’s email is blowing up with inquires. Over a hundred people have signed up for the mailing list I set up on the website—and that’s just since last night. You’ve gained over ten thousand followers. Plus, the video itself made a few hundred dollars from the views alone. Liam, this is what you hired me to do. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to trust me.”
His grimace shifts into a smirk. “I like it when you’re bossy.”