“Not just any book!” I scramble off the bed to dig through the box of books I haven’t unpacked yet. When I find the right one, I proudly thrust it in the air.
It’s one of the most beat-up books I own from how many times I’ve read it. The pages are full of tabs and highlights and notes in the margins, the pages yellowed from reading it on the beach over and over.
“That’s not even the best part!” squeals Marti. “I don’t think they’ve made the news public yet. I heard about it from my agent. She sent over the sides for the audition, and I recognized it immediately.”
“Wait,audition?” I throw myself onto the bed. “You mean…you might…”
“I’m auditioning for Teagan!”
“Oh my God. Oh myGod.”
“Will someone please explain to me what’s going on,” whines Alison.
“This is our favorite book, like, ever,” gushes Marti. “We both read it when we were in middle school. It’s one of the first things we bonded over freshman year. The author is actually from Gracie’s hometown.”
I hold up the book for them to see.
Trish leans forward, squinting. “Is that azombie?”
Marti nods vigorously. “It’s a romcom. Set in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.”
“It’s about this small town on the coast that everyone thinks is crazy because everyone there has been preparing for the end of the world and has, like, fallout bunkers and everything.”
“And the main character has been training for this all her life with her dad, so she’s this crazy badass?—”
“And her love interest is her high school rival?—”
“And they end up needing each other’s help to survive?—”
“Okay, okay, we get it,” says Alison.
“You’re never going to read it, are you?” I say.
Alison smiles innocently and shrugs. “I’ll watch the movie! Especially if Marti’s in it!”
“When’s your audition?” asks Trish.
Marti waves a hand. “Oh, I’m just sending in a self-tape. I’ll probably never hear anything back.”
“No, no, I can see it!” I insist. “You would be so good. You have to keep us updated!”
She does an excited little shimmy. “Keep your fingers crossed for me.”
“I think we should plan a girls’ trip,” Alison jumps in. “Like a reunion.”
“Where to?” I ask.
“I vote a beach,” Trish says immediately. “Portland will be in full swing with the rain before I know it, so I’ll be craving some sun soon.”
“I vote Vegas,” says Marti. “You guys could come to LA for a bit first if you want, then we would road trip it.”
“What about a boat? Like a cruise?” offers Alison.
“Okay, is it lame to suggest we bring the boys too?” says Trish. “This is the first time we’re all dating at the same time, so it could be kind of fun, right?”
I stop breathing.
“Oh my God, yeah, you’re right!” says Marti. “That could be fun.”