“Fancy seeing you here, Gigi.” He steps closer and touches me on my lower back as if he would lean in and kiss me like a sister.
A frisson of disgusted loathing mixed with fear spills like a bucket of cold water over me.
“Cenzo.” I falter on my heels as I step away, gripping my clutch tight as my heart starts pounding in my temple.
“So sweet to hear you call me that.” Vincenzo steps closer, and it’s the most threatening thing I’ve experienced in years. “I’ve missed you, Gigi.”
My gaze darts over his shoulder and to the side. Steph is right there, rolling on his heels, five meters from me, unaware. Tony is watching me, though, and would step up—but there’s anotherman who closes in and blocks his way. God help us. Vincenzo has security here too.
“How did y-you…how did you know where to find us?”
How did he know I’d be here tonight? Fear coils in me. Since that Friday night in Lake Como, I’ve realized my stepbrother is a vile, dangerous man.
“Following leads. You’re not the only one with friends.” He reaches for my hand, and I’m too weak to pull back, frozen to the spot. “And what’s this? A wedding ring?”
“I’m married. I’m no longer available for Franco Fiore.”
“Are you now?” He cocks his brow with a lopsided grin as if I made a joke. “To whom?”
“Steph!” I jerk my hand out of Vincenzo’s, trying to catch Stephano’s attention without making a scene. He turns my way, but doesn’t rush over, and panic sprints through my veins.
“Steph? That was a bit hasty, wasn’t it?’ Vincenzo says. “To think if you married me when you turned eighteen, none if this would have happened.”
“I would never have married you,” I spit out. “And to think you sold us off! Carla, so young and your ownbloodsister.”
And then, Stephano is there. His hand snakes around my shoulders. “Do you know this guy, angel?”
“Angel?” Vincenzo mocks as his gaze jumps between mine and Stephano’s. “Franco did say someone else called you that before. A lover, maybe, but never ahusband.”
He holds out his hand to Stephano as if this is a cordial meeting, but Stephano doesn’t return the gesture. He gives Vincenzo the coldest stare that makes me cower.
“And you are?” he says as he reaches for Vincenzo’s shoulder, gripping it with a hand that turns white with the pressure. A subtle threat.
Vincenzo shrugs him off with a wince. “Vincenzo Trapani. Gigi and Carla’s brother. I came to fetch mysoon-to-be-widowedsister.”
“Isn’t that interesting,” Steph says. “And here I thought we’re here for a pleasant night out.”
“I’m cutting this marriage venture of yours short, as my sister Gigi has been promised to another man. I’m here to take her home. Come with me now, Gigi, and it will be a clean exit.”
“I see,” Stephano says, staring Vincenzo down. He’s at least seven inches taller than my stepbrother. “Funny thing. I don’t like threats. Least of all to my wife. Touch your sister again, and I’ll kill you.”
“As if this is a real marriage.” Vincenzo smirks. “I hate to say it, but you’re in too deep.”
Stephano throws his head back and laughs. “Right. Come, angel, you’ve seen enough?”
Tremors run through my body, and I’m clinging to Steph’s biceps where I’ve turned into him, expecting a Mafia-style shoot-out at any second.
“Yes,” I say, but my voice is small.
He has me by the hand and leads me away, but he isn’t in a rush. I want to run.
“There’s no way he is buying into any of this,” I whisper. “He knows it’s all fake! He knows, and he’s going to tell Franco, and then?—”
Stephano stops in his tracks outside the glass partition wall separating the gallery from the elevator bank. He stares down at me for a few hot seconds, his gaze taking in my eyes, my lips, and then he jerks me to his chest, his arm protective around me as his hand weaves into my hair that cascades down my back. He’s never held me this close.
“You’re worried Vincenzo will think our marriage is fake and that’s the biggest factor in warding off Franco?”
“Yes, I know it sounds naive but— He’s threatened to kill you!” I almost choke on the words.