“How do you know?”
“Matteo is there. And Luca.”
“What if it was all a trap?” I can’t let go of this feeling that things could still go wrong.
“Then Benedict will go blow the place up.”
“God,” I huff. “You’re more Mafia than me.”
“Don’t underestimate Matteo.” She hitches a brow. “And don’t underestimate your husband. The first time I ever laid eyes on Stephano, he killed a man in this very room using only his steel-toed boot.”
“Oh, God. This is the guy that had it coming?” I ask with a shudder.
She nods. “You see that massive square tile? I call it Execution Square.”
I sink down on the sofa next to her and reach for her hand. It’s easy to forget that Tasha’s catapult into this family is so recent. “I don’t want to know. Spare me the details.”
She grips my hand and I follow her gaze to the square tile.
“Okay.” Now that I see it, I can’t unsee it.
The massive square tile would be so easy to clean. I recall her unease weeks ago when she said she doesn’t like hanging out at the second-floor railing. I quiver inside, trying to reconcile in my head the man I love and the man who succumbs to any level of violence and brutality.
“I don’t care. That asshole had it coming. Left one of the women who worked for their clubs for dead. Tatiana. She overdosed. Matteo told me what happened to her, and she couldn’t live with…” Tasha trails off and starts rocking again.
I ball up next to her.
Franco had it coming too. From the moment Stephano saw Franco’s cruelty on my skin, he promised revenge on my behalf. ThisisStephano. This ismy husband.Thisis what’s in his blood, fueled by what he experienced as a child. To protect and avenge the women he loves. Not only women he loves—he’ll protect all women.
Stephano can’t see it for himself. I’ve never for a second felt unsafe with him, and in his arms, there’s never been a safer place. Earlier, when he could have gone all out with Franco while we were still there, he had enough control to make sure wewere gone before he started. None of us needed to witness what followed.
I drop my head to Tasha’s shoulder, and for a long while, we just sit, bound in fate and in the love we have for our men.
“He said he loved me,” I sob, tears welling up out of the blue. “And I never had a chance to say it back.”
A soft whooshing comes from the front door, and we both look up as footsteps fall seconds later.
“Maybe you can tell him now,” Tasha says, but she’s already shooting up and running to where Matteo is walking into the apartment.
I’m still in shock at seeing Stephano by his side, not much worse for wear. He’s wearing different clothes, but it’s still a suit, still so freaking Italian. He looks so handsome, my blood rushes through my veins as a blush flushes my cheeks.
Tasha flings herself into Matteo’s arms and he catches her, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
“Thank God,” she calls out, and then all sound is muffled as she cries into his neck.
To have Tasha’s confidence…to know this thing between Stephano and me isn’t fake. To know this marriage doesn’t have divorce written all over it now that Franco is dead. And yes, I can see he’s dead by the look in my husband’s eyes.
My darling, beautiful wife. I love you.
The memory of his words rockets me out of my seat, and I fling myself at him before anything else can hold me back.
He laughs as he catches me, and my body molds to his as I wrap my arms around him, my legs hugging his hips. His hands clasp my butt in support, hitching me high enough so I can look into his eyes.
“Hey, angel.”
“What took you so long?” I ask, crying openly now. I sob and hide in his neck, still struggling to believe he’s alive and real andhere.
“We waited for the cleaning crew, and then I had to clean up, too, so I went home.”