“He isn’t my brother. For ten years, it’s worked. I never needed a bodyguard, and Vincenzo left me alone. Those vaults are probably the best-guarded secret in Europe, but I’ll be pretty dead once they have what they want.”
“Which is?”
“Blood diamonds and physical gold. Hundreds of millions of euros of both.” I’m in such a chokehold, my breathing is strained. “One of the pillars of the Trapani fortune.” And one I’ve vowed to never touch. “Once laundered, it’s all the money they’ll ever need to expand their operations and whatever criminal shit they’re involved in now. Franco doesn’t want me. The marriage will be a mere by-product. What he wants is the money.”
We just stare at each other, knowing the truth. In our world, there are no pre-nuptial contracts, no law that binds us like the general populous. In my case, Franco Fiore would torture me until I caved in and took him to the vaults to raid as much as he could.
“And he’d hack off my hands if it were only the fingerprints he needed.” I shudder as I choke up. I’ve had enough of Franco’s torture to last me a lifetime.
Stephano’s arm is around me, and he pulls me close. I collapse against his chest as sobs rip through me.
“Carla knows all of this?”
“No.” I sound strangled. “She turned eighteen three months ago, and I’ve been too busy to go do the necessary. Don Trapani didn’t push me either to get it done. In fact, I forgot about it, on and off, you know?”
Now I understand why Don Trapani let it slide, too. If half the amount were in Carla’s name, she would be as much a target as me. Thank God none of it is in her name. Don Trapani made sure his own daughter is safe. I don’t want to think he’s serving me up to Franco Fiore as a sacrificial lamb, because that isn’t his nature. None of us saw this coming, and who knows how Vincenzo manipulated his own father?
“We’ve protected her to the last,” I say. “And I won’t stop.”
He holds me as his hand strokes my arm. “There’s only one way this ends. You know that, right?”
I nod. I’ve always known. Married or not, the end game for Franco Fiore and me has always been like writing on the wall.
Until death do us part.
It’s a witch hunt. And they’re going to track her down, use her, and then burn her at the stake. She’s so fragile in my arms, and now she’s trusted me with her truth, it’s as if she’s punched a hole straight through my defenses, opening my heart for an invasion.
There’s been something about this woman from our first meeting in Cannes. I’ve vowed to never let someone in, that Tatiana was the last, but Gigi…she’s different. She’s from my world and in so much trouble, it’s going to take the whole squad of Scaleras to get her out of this mess alive.
Upstairs, Carla’s bedroom door opens, and Tasha walks out with Carla right behind her.
Gigi pulls out of my arms and wipes at her face as she glances up at her sister, who is oblivious to the level of danger here.
“Oh,” Gigi breathes. “She always looks so pretty. Just like our mom always did.”
The love in her eyes as she looks at her sister feels like an echo of my own for my brothers. I get it. Here is someone who would die to keep her sister safe.
The two women head down the stairs.
“Tasha needs this as much as Carla,” I say softly. “After everything that happened in Sicily and Cannes, and with Matteo, she’s disconnected from her usual friend group. This is good, for both of them.”
Gigi nods, composing herself.
“You look beautiful,” she says as Carla comes up to the table.
“Tasha sorted me out this morning.” Carla smiles and gives a twirl, making the white summer dress flare up. “To think the boutique’s owner delivered everything within an hour after we spoke to her. And all the sizes are just right.”
“We’ll see you later,” Tasha says as she hooks her purse over her shoulder. “I have my phone should you need us.”
“Have fun,” Gigi calls as they walk off.
I lean back, in awe. Carla didn’t even pick up the fact that her sister is distraught. The front door clicks closed, and the women are gone.
“What now?” Gigi asks after a moment of silence between us.