Page 18 of Broken Vows

I swoop away, head held high, shoulders pulled back, not even sparing Stephano a glance to see how much I just infuriated him.

“Jean-Michel! How nice to see you,” I say in French.

Jean-Michel Baudin, a billionaire hedge fund owner from Paris, smirks at me as he stands. “Gigi Trapani. I feel caught with my hand in the cookie jar.”

I wave his comment off. He might be married, but who am I to judge where he puts his dick. What a man does with his money isn’t my business either, as long as he spends some of it with me.

He stands and kisses me on both cheeks. “You need to tell me what you’re doing here and what just happened. Stay for a drink.”

“Thank you. I think I will.” I take a seat next to him on the half-circle sofa as he indicates to the waiter to bring somechampagne. Several ice buckets filled with high-end bottles are on display, and I might have a glass to settle my nerves. I cross my legs, arrange my skirts, and lean back with my arm on the backrest, facing Jean-Michel. As I get comfortable, I’m overly conscious of Stephano where he’s leaning against the wide foyer’s door jamb, studying me.

The heat of his gaze is almost consuming, but it’s one of annoyance and not lust. And yet, it turns me on because he only has eyes for me. Not that there are any other women in the room, but?—

“Stephano looks irate.” Jean-Michel smirks. “You, my dear, have stepped on toes.”

“So many today. All for a good cause.”

“And was that scene in aid of your good cause? I assume our little virgin has been claimed by the American who stalked in and carried her out like a caveman?”

I chuckle as I take the offered glass of champagne from the waiter. “A most intriguing beginning to the night, I’m sure. Apparently, he’s in love.”

“Good for her. Stephano knows how to pick his crowd,” Jean-Michel says as his gaze travels the room. “None of the bullies are here tonight, because if they were, I can promise you there would have been a fist fight over our little virgin after that scene.”

Bunch of creeps.And thank God Tasha practically threw herself into Matteo’s arms. If she’d frozen in fear, I don’t know what I would have done. It’s not the first time my own bodyguard would have been handy, but by the looks of the two bulky men Stephano talks to now, I might have needed four to ward them off. Blood would have been everywhere.

When Stephano looks up and meets my gaze, I stare back. Let him do his worst. Men like Jean-Michel might have particular tastes, but at the end of the day, I’m a Trapani, plus Jean-Michelwon’t let anybody here touch me. Least of all one of those fat-fisted bodyguards. I am not for sale, and nobody is going to doubt that. As for Stephano, he has too much composure to let this evening turn into a brawl.

I’ve done some crazy, reckless things today, meddling with the Mafia, with the Scaleras, but it was the right thing to do, and nobody can convince me otherwise. I face Jean-Michel again and lead the conversation to art and the recent purchase I made for him at Christie’s in London.

Stephano is strolling from one man to the next, sometimes addressing them in the groups they’re sitting in. There’s laughter and some man-slaps on the shoulder, and with growing admiration, I watch him work the room. With Tasha’s exit, there won’t be any auction or a winning bid, and if Jean-Michel came from Paris for this auction, who knows where the rest of the men are from. I should follow in Stephano’s footsteps and do the rounds. There could be some handy connections and big spenders here.

When he finally makes his way to where I’m seated, he shakes Jean-Michel’s hand in greeting.

“Small world, Baudin,” he says with a nod in my direction.

“Indeed,” Jean-Michel says. “How do you know each other?”

“A family connection,” he cuts in before I can say anything. “Tonight took a turn in an unexpected direction. I’m afraid the man who took our virgin made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.”

I frown. Stephano doesn’t want them to know the man in question is his brother.

Jean-Michel cocks his brow. “Indeed. It is what it is.”

“Our evening will proceed as usual. Take your pick and help yourself to one of our party packs. They don’t disappoint, as you know.”

For the first time, I notice the stack of glossy white gift boxes on a side console, each tied with an elaborate bow in white silk.Oh, my. He does go the extra mile. I’d love to see what’s in one of those.

And then, as if on cue, the suite’s door opens, and through the foyer, a line-up of beautiful women walks in. My heart skips a beat. The women are young and dressed somewhat provocatively. My dress is essentially the same, but the haute couture and price tag saves it from being slutty.

“As you’ll see, Baudin, your regular is here, as well. Enjoy your evening.”

Stephano gives me a last glance, but it’s dismissive. I watch as he strides away, deeper into the suite in the direction of the bedrooms.

“This is rather…interesting,” I say as the women close in on the men, clearly with one goal in mind.

“What did you expect,ma chérie? That we’d go home empty-handed? Not with a Scalera-arranged virgin auction.”

One blonde homes in on us, and my breath catches.His regular.