“That, my goddess, is your G-spot,” I tell her, curling my fingers and stroking my thick fingers in and out against it. I lick her clit, and she clenches around me.

“Ooooh fuck,” she groans her hips jerking, making me plunge deeper.

“That’s it, baby. Just let your body take over,” I urge, keeping up the movement of my fingers inside her.

She presses her head against the mattress, her back arching, pressing her tits upward and changing the angle of her hips, and I follow that special spot at the top of her inner walls.


Soon, she goes completely silent, and I can see she’s holding her breath, because every so often she exhales sharply then gulps more air. I flatten my tongue against her swollen bud, giving her long strokes before sucking her clit between my lips. Never letting up on the ministrations inside her tight, soaked heat.


Her voice is panicked, like she doesn’t understand what’s happening to her body, and I’m suddenly overwhelmed with determination. She’s so close. So fucking close.

I curl my fingers even further, widening her pussy with my knuckles as my fingertips dig against her G-spot just as I take her clit gently between my teeth and use the tip of my tongue to flick at it quickly.

And that’s when she screams, her entire body convulsing as she comes. I cover her with my mouth, creating a suction as I pump my fingers in and out of her, and she cries out toward the ceiling, the taste of her juices making me groan in pleasure.

I pull out of her to lap at her pussy lips, making sure I get every last drop of her as her body shudders. And I feel like that fucking Viking she sees me as. I feel like the warrior who just conquered a new land. I feel like the fucking man for bringing my woman pleasure she’s never felt before.

But then I hear it.

And I look up and see it.

Her hands covering her face as she cries.Chapter 7AstridNeil crawls onto the bed, and then I’m in his arms, sobbing against his chest as he cradles me to him.

“Astrid, did I hurt you?” he whispers against me.

I shake my head frantically. “No,” I weep. “No, it was perfect, and beautiful, and amazing, and nothing like I’ve ever felt before. I didn’t know anything could feel like that, feel so good.”

“Then why are you crying, goddess?”

And like the orgasm and his question was a bomb that just went off in the dam holding back all of my past and my secrets, it all comes out in a flood through tears and wracking sobs.

I tell him my life story.

“I was always in love with the idea of being in love. My first peck on the lips was when I was in sixth grade. My first french kiss came in the ninth. And I lost my virginity when I was a junior in high school.” He rocks me, just listening, never interrupting.

“I never had an orgasm while having sex. I googled it once, and the internet assured me I wasn’t the only woman on the planet who couldn’t come off intercourse alone. But Brandon didn’t like eating a girl out. The thought disgusted him, putting his mouth down there, even though he had no qualms making me go down on him. And years later, when we moved in together right after high school, when I brought home a vibrator to add to our sex life, he made me watch while he burned it in our fireplace, still in the package, stating he was enough for me and I shouldn’t need anything else. Looking back, he was obviously threatened by the little vibrating egg.” I sneer the last part, rolling my eyes.

“With no more dancing, no school, nothing to fill my days, I then discovered romance novels. And they turned me on enough to actually want to have sex. But still, I never reached completion. He never lasted long enough for me to learn just how to touch my clit with my fingers to get even one.” I sniffle, nuzzling my cheek against Neil’s chest to wipe away the tears.

“And not long after, that’s when he started physically abusing me, when before, it had only been mentally and emotionally. He purposely hurt me during sex, doing things I didn’t want, taking things I wasn’t willing to give. And then outside of sex, he started hitting me.

“When Twyla came and rescued me in the middle of the night, I was black and blue. But even those bruises couldn’t compare to the damage he did to me on the inside. Those scars couldn’t be seen by the naked eye. Not only all the abuse, but what he hadn’t allowed me to learn. He wanted me completely dependent on him for everything. So I never even learned how to pleasure myself.” My voice is quiet at the end, embarrassed. “And now I’m a twenty-seven-year-old woman who doesn’t know anything about her own body.” Neil doesn’t say a word, just nods against the top of my head where he rests his cheek.