“I want to forget it happened.” Lifting his arm, she wrapped it around herself and closed her eyes to lean against him. “I want us to sleep there, wake up, make love, and betogether like we should’ve been. We should never have gone to my grandfather’s. I’m sorry I asked you to come with me. I know we’ve said this before but… I think about it. How we could’ve told him to go to hell and just curled up together, safe. That’s the fantasy I want to fulfill.”
Curious about the tone of the sound, she peeked up. “What? What is it?”
“You swallowed those pills in that bed.”
Oh, God. Their heads were in completely different places. “And you don’t want to—I never wanted to kill myself, Mo Grá. I wanted your attention.”
“An extreme way to go about it.”
“You’re an extreme kind of guy. I’d go to any lengths to be with you. Do anything to be at your side. I understand if you don’t want to go back there. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Is that why you put it in my name?”
“I put it in your name when I thought you’d take the out. You gave up your apartment to your brother. I wouldn’t see you on the street.”
Her brother wouldn’t have seen her on the street either. Still, it was nice he’d been considerate. Funny, so many people were surprised Conn wasn’t violent with her, yet no one knew how thoughtful he was, or how much time he spent looking after her.
“I love you,” she said, relaxing and closing her eyes again. “Mo Grá. Forever and always, I’m yours.”
And she loved that. Just belonging to him was a buzz. The depth of his security, the stability he gave her, no one would understand. Few people found love so strong and sure. She had it and planned to cherish it for the rest of time.
FINISHING WITH THE blow-dryer alerted her to the phone ringing.
The phone. A phone.
On the closet vanity. She boosted up from the stool to get it and dropped onto her ass as she answered.
“Good morning!”
“It’s almost noon.”
She smiled at the Irish accent. “So still morning. Miss me, Lieutenant? Your boss would have a problem with you calling me up like this.”
“Your team are waiting for you.”
“Meaning you’d like me to leave? I’m not dressed yet.”
“Boss’d have a problem with you going out like that.”
Yes, he would. “Are you calling to tell him something or to steal him from me?”
“You’ve had him half the day.”
“Not yet, but I would if he’d let me.” Wearing only a towel, Conn appeared from the bathroom, wet from the shower. Mmm. “We’ll have to come up with some kind of shared custody arrangement.” Standing up as he put on a watch, she dropped her robe. “Otherwise you’ll never get him back.”
Conn wasn’t paying her attention, though he must have noticed her hand snaking around to loosen and discard his towel.
“You got him tied down?”
“No,” she said, kissing his arm. “Just tangled up.” She raised the phone. “It’s for you.”
Glad to free her hands while he took the device to his ear, she kept on kissing. God, he felt good, everywhere, all the time. And that foreign tongue. He could be ordering breakfast and she’d still be coming all over the place.
Pressing her lips to his chest, her fingertips played on his flesh. They’d barely put each other down in the hours since they got back from Stag. He’d pleased her in the shower, and curling her fingers around his cock betrayed he was ready for his. As she lowered to her knees, his voice kept going. Their eyes met and his permission seeped into her with a heat only he could provoke.
With all the experience they had together, he should be over the sensations of her mouth devouring his cock. Her palms skimmed up his thighs, massaging him, her thumbs lifting and resting until her hands could squeeze, her lips could taste, her mouth could suck.