Page 85 of Forbidden Bond

“…simple as that.”

The words carried at the same time she opened the curtain to the office, so she didn’t know if it was the voice or the face she recognized first.

“Lach,” she said to the man in the middle of the chesterfield, fingers linked on his head, legs outstretched, crossed at the ankle. “What are you doing here? Where the hell have you been? I haven’t heard from you for ages.”

Conn was propped on the front of his desk, whiskey at his lips.

“Yeah, and if it wasn’t for this guy…” Lach nodded toward Conn. “I wouldn’t even know you’re still alive. Talk about dropping off the fucking map.”

“Have you seen Dad?”

“Do you care?” Lachlan asked, making eye contact with Conn as he put the glass on the desk. “Want to finish this later?”


Lach stood, but she rushed over to the rug, extending an arm toward each of them. “No, not later.” Uh, from Lach’s face, her attention went to the stag head under her feet, then to Conn. “Are we okay?”


How many secret conversations could the man have at once? Nicole’s body was gone, and there was no sign of blood or death. Didn’t mean there wasn’t forensic evidence lying around. Guess that was why they needed a hush-hush basement stairway in the playroom. Getting rid of a corpse in a crowded nightclub may be a little awkward without discretion and secret passages.

“Why are you meeting at this time of night?”

“Never notice your boyfriend does a lot of business in the dark?” Lachlan asked, though there was a glimmer of a smile behind those words. “We’re just keeping things steady.”

“What does that mean? What is ‘keeping things steady’? What is that?” She went to sit, pulling her brother down with her. “Conn said he’s talked to you about the dad stuff.”


“And you’re okay with…?” No way her brother would be. Conn could’ve coerced him, not that she didn’t trust her guy, but he knew how to get what he wanted. “He’ll stay as Superintendent.”

“Yeah,” Lach said, no hesitation.

“Do you know what that means? He’ll keep his job, his position, his power—”

“And use it for McDade ends, I know the drill.”

Who was this guy? Her brother, her Lachlan, could never be relaxed and okay with the implications of that.

“You’re okay with… What’s going on?”

“It’s late.” Conn tossed the last of his liquor into his throat and discarded the glass. “We’ll pick this up another time, McLeod.”

No snark or hostility, the men’s relationship had changed, and she’d missed the whole thing.

Lach smacked a hand into Conn’s and they shook quick. “I’ll be around in the p.m.”

“You’ll get all the access you need. Need a ride?”

“No, I’m good.” Her brother came to kiss her head. “Be good, little sister.”

“Be good?” Without responding to her question, Lachlan left, giving her only Conn to gape at. “What is going on?”

“It’s late. You need rest.”

“Why don’t you need rest?” Though that was beside the point. “Why was Lach here?”

“You want to bar him?”