“‘Bout time they were wiped out.”
“I like that,” Whisper said and bobbed her brows at Sersha. “I get it.” She just smiled while the men stayed all business. Whisper cleared her throat, almost mocking their seriousness. “What are we gonna do with Nicki’s head?”
“Her husband put out the contract, the Byrnes were a conduit. Send her head to Byrne. Tell him to expect Madison’s next if he doesn’t get in line.” No one at the table responded, someone behind them did, in an Irish tongue. Shit, Niall could sneak with the best of them. “Rick Byrne wanted the woman dead, he deals with the fall out.”
“And that won’t get us in shit with…”
“Man wants his money,” Conn said to Whisper. “Delivering Nicole’s head is proof of completion.”
Whisper rose to go to the bar. “Those guys don’t need to do jobs, they could just show up and demand money.” The murderer, he’s who they were talking about. “Everyone would give it to them. They could just sit on their asses and collect until they die.”
“Their power comes in the myth, Peanut. That rep would change fast if they became beach bunnies.”
Play snickered. “Imagine any of those guys in Speedos.”
Everyone else enjoyed that, she didn’t quite follow. “Those guys?”
Whisper put a glass in front of her. “The Huntsmen. That was your first brush with the Reapers.”
“Our people off the street tonight?” Razer asked. “Everyone accounted for?”
Whisper went around the table, pouring whiskey into each glass. “They don’t vanish when they’re not working. They could be in any city, any time.”
“And if we know they’re close, we clear the streets.”
As Whisper sat again, she glanced at each guy. None of them were in a hurry to answer.
“They’re feral,” her friend said.
“They weren’t raised like…” Whisper leaned over the table, lowering her volume. “Word is they didn’t come from any human, hell itself bred—”
“Peanut.” Razer did a lot of warning his woman. “They’re human.”
“I’m not so sure.” Whisper tossed her hair, then the whiskey into her throat. “They’re nocturnal.”
“Yeah, that’s been proved,” Play said. “They are only seen at night.”
“Maybe they’re vampires!”
“Enough,” Conn said, obviously tired of Whisper being… Whisper. “Madison and Vex stay here. I’ll take care of Silvio.”
Razer blinked, his eyes stayed heavy. “His allies in the city?”
“What allies?” Conn asked. “We have the inside now. Harvest will proceed without obstruction. The Manzani threads are stretched. His people leave Miami, and he severs his link to Biz, or his son won’t breathe another day.”
“Vex isn’t his favorite,” Whisper said. “He might be okay with that.”
In Silvio Manzani’s position, she’d be okay with it. No, she didn’t like being in the same building as the sleaze, but she trusted her guy’s chains to hold him.
“How does he prove it? We can’t take his word for—”
“His contacts will vote in favor of the Harvest rezoning.”
“That vote could take a while.”