Page 64 of Forbidden Bond

“By his family, the business, the violence.”

“Who said anything about violence?”

Tulip’s head angled to the side. “Off the record, not for the story, I’m just saying, woman to woman, how do you know he’ll come home to you every night? Aren’t you scared witless every second?”

“That something might happen to him?”

“Yeah, or to you, Ire McDade has enemies.”

“Ire McDade is a giant among dwarves. Am I scared? Only until I remember the man at my back would do anything to protect me. He’s always there, always supporting me. When it comes to my safety, he’s beyond passionate.”

“Do you argue?” With each other? Like a couple does? Do you dare raise your voice to him?”

Yes, butforhim was a way more regular occurrence. “Okay,” she said, exhaling on a smile. “Is this an interview about my love life or did you want to talk about something else?”

“Just getting some background. How did you meet?”

“No comment.”

Tulip actually smiled. “How long did you know him before you got intimate?”

“No comment.”

This was good practice for any more formal situations she may find herself in. You know, like interview rooms with federal agents.

“Are you exclusive?”

“No comment.”

“He ever hit you?”

“No,” she said and leaned a little closer. “And, quick tip, never ask me that question in earshot of anyone else. For your own protection.”

“No one’s ever asked about violence in your relationship?”

“Who would ask about that?”

“Your brother,” Tulip said. “Your father. Since the alderman died, your family have been AWOL in all kinds of ways.”

“Grief impacts people differently.”

“How does your brother feel about your relationship?”

“You’d have to ask him.”

With a slight brow raise, Tulip moistened her lips. “Your brother isn’t known for playing nice with the press.”

“It’s in his nature to be protective. With what he does, the work he does, sharing information doesn’t come naturally.”

“And in Ire’s work, I’d guess he’s the same.”

Their chairs were perpendicular, so it wasn’t like the Inquisition. This woman was doing her job, one Sersha could identify with.

“He’s not interested in grandstanding. Nothing in his life would be of interest to reporters.”

Tulip scoffed. “I know you don’t believe that. Does he give you a line to toe? How do you know what is allowed and what isn’t? Don’t you ever want to…?”

“Want to what?”