Page 32 of Forbidden Bond

“Why would I keep you out? That’s just—”

“Sane,” he said and turned his back to talk on the phone. “Got a job for you… Yes, at this time, boy… Shut up and listen.”

His family, their resources, nothing was hers, yet Strat put it at her disposal. More people would get hurt before the end of this. Please, God, let it be those who deserved it.


“YOU SLEEP IN MY BED. Where you’re safe.”

Connel’s words played in her dreams. The first real good night’s sleep she’d had in a long time came in their bed. Until she woke lonely.

Leaping out of their sheets, she couldn’t believe she’d slept through to the afternoon. Where was Strat?

First her guy, then her best friend. Not in the kitchen, the living room, Whisper and Raze’s room.

“Strat!” she called, throwing open the door to the opposite room.

Sound drew her in, and she pushed open the bathroom door. Shirtless, bent over the sink, he spat toothpaste and straightened up.

“You know there’s new toothbrushes in here?” her friend said, opening a drawer in the vanity. “Deodorant, cologne everything.”

“That’s what you say to me?” Stomping over, she socked his shoulder. “What happened at the hotel? Did Ford go over? How could you leave me sleeping?”

“You needed it. And I’m not totally clear on the rules of admittance to Connel McDade’s bedroom.” He wiped his mouth with a towel. “Nothing at the hotel.”

“Nothing? What’s nothing? And it’s my bedroom too, by the way.”

“Guy at the hotel told Ford to get lost.”

“And that was it? He walked away?”

“With Jagg at his side? No fucking way.”

On a groan, her head flopped back. “Please don’t say there was a brawl in the hallway.”

Or arrests made in the McDade name.

“No brawl, mighta went that way but my boy used his head.” None the wiser, she shook hers to prompt him. “Used your name, Bluebell.”

Ah, her breath bated. “Fuck.”

“And it worked, which has gotta mean something.”

That her name still held sway? Yes.

“What did they learn?”

“Jack squat.” They went to get his tee-shirt from the bed. “Guys worked in rotation with four others, schedule hasn’t been changed up for two weeks. Which is…”

She blinked. “Which is what?” Except she already knew. “Not like Niall.”

Not like the McDades in general.

“No, Scamp. Don’t think I have to tell you Ire McDade—”

“Believes in rotation. All guys know all sites and positions.”

“Never know when any situation might need reinforcements.”