Page 120 of Forbidden Bond

“Because of us.” She linked their fingers. “I love you, so completely… Don’t give up your career for—”

“My little sister?” He smiled. “Isn’t it all about family? Ultimately, we are what matters. Losing Henry showed how we neglected each other. We have to change the way McLeods do business. That starts by acknowledging the law, and enforcing it, don’t grant us any favors. It’s an illusion, completely false. Smoke, mirrors, and bullshit. There’s nothing superior about that path. I never did what I did to be whiter than white, I wanted to help people. To do the right thing. And now I know,righthas nothing to do with the law, or punishing those who break it.”


“It was naïve and lazy. I conformed, followed in the footsteps of those before us. If I continue to do that, I end up dirty just like Dad.”

“Are you going to quit?”

Being a cop, presently or formerly, put him at more risk of harm than most other McDades.

“I don’t know yet. I do know the loyalty I showed to my colleagues wasn’t returned. I can’t trust anyone there. I couldn’t trust my own father. Do you know he was the one pushing Wanstead’s buttons? That CI, Ire being pulled in for Henry’s murder, that was Dad’s doing.”

And they knew why that was, to divert attention from himself.

She snickered. “I’m sorry I didn’t see his face when he found out about me and Conn.”

“I wasn’t in the room either, but the building shook.”

“I’ll bet. Really screwed up his plans.”

“If Henry could thank you for that, he would. I thank you for it too.”

“Thank me for—”

“We could’ve put Ire behind bars for Henry’s murder. Without you, Ire McDade would’ve spent his life paying for our father’s crime. We may never have known… I rethink every second, kick myself for not noticing. What kind of cop was I that—”

“I didn’t see it either and investigation is my livelihood too. Dad started the con young, he groomed us to believe him all our lives. We didn’t think to question it, question him.”

“You got it, know it or not, you knew from the beginning he wasn’t so righteous or honorable.”

“There are plenty of people I don’t get along with, doesn’t make all of them crooks. Wish I could take credit for figuring it out, but it wasn’t me. The McDades told me the truth. Well, Dad’s actions revealed his murderous streak. But being in league with the Manzanis, with Silvio, Conn got that long before I did.”

“He told you?”

“Yes. We have communication, respect. I didn’t tell you immediately because I didn’t want to lay that on you. What could you have done? If I told you a crime had been committed, thatour father committed a crime, you’d investigate. That put you at risk. If you’d brought it up with Dad—”

“It would’ve tipped our hand.” Our. What a relief it was to be cradled by her brother’s support again. “If nothing else, uncovering these truths, you and Ire, Dad’s duplicity, it sets us free, all of us. You did what was right, regardless of the personal cost. The bravery and honor it took you to stand up for Ire, without knowing how the situation would play out, it gave us all courage. You showed me what real integrity is, Sersh. And I’m so goddamn proud of you for it. We have to stop getting caught up in labels and lanes and start standing up for the people who stand up for us.”

“You did once tell Conn you could be allies.”

“And I was right. We’re allies, Sersh. Anyone who loves you gets a pass, gets my support.”

Strat, in the corner, raised a hand. “I love her less today than I did yesterday.”

“Not my fault you got a bullet in you, old man. It’s amazing I’m still alive with the way you drive.”

The easier mood gave them all a little breathing space.

“Got sticky for a minute,” Lachlan said. “Ire almost lost his chance at that pass. How could he love you if he didn’t give a shit?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Niall reached out, he called me,” her brother said, “the night you went missing.”

“You never told me that,” Strat said.

“Yeah, ‘cause no one can trust you to keep your trap shut around my sister.”