Swerve wasn’t the only one confused by Conn’s smug confidence.
“That how the Irish treat their women?”
Her smile became a grinning snicker she had to muffle against Conn’s neck. He yanked the drive from the computer and threw it at Swerve.
“Take your smut and get the fuck out of here. Approach her again and you’ll get your own sex tape, got a lot of guys on payroll who’d love to ride your ass. Fuck off.”
Pissed, Swerve stomped out and slammed the door. Maybe wasn’t a good idea to irritate a man not known for his restraint, but her guy wasn’t on that list either.
“You’d really be okay with it being out there?” Snuff asked.
“Scamp?” Strat asked with concern.
Wasn’t so funny now, not for him. No one else understood.
Still tucked against Conn, she shifted the angle of her head to see her friend on the chesterfield.
“Nothing to worry about.”
“You get it?” Conn asked Niall.
“Send it to our guys, back trace it. I’m more interested in the who than the why.”
Because that was kind of obvious. And he always said learning the who revealed the why.
“Can you send it to me too,” she asked, “please.”
Of course the lieutenant got the nod from his boss first. “Aye.”
Conn boosted her to her feet as Niall excused their guys and got closer to talk to his superior. While security and the unknown guys filtered out, she went to sit next to Strat.
“I left you at the mansion for a reason,” she said to her friend.
“I cadged a lift.”
“Apparently. You’re supposed to be resting.”
He opened his hands in the air by his thighs. “You see me sitting? This is resting. How come you’re giddy ‘bout the sex tape?”
“It’s funny.”
“Never thought there’d be much comedy between Ire McDade’s sheets.”
“You might be surprised.” Taking his hand, she rested her head on him. “But that’s not why it’s funny.”
“Then why’s it funny?”
“It’s not us,” she said, bouncing up to kiss his cheek. “You need to get back to the mansion, and the doctor. I’m thinking we should tie you down or sedate you for a couple of weeks.”
“You’d never survive that long without me.” Probably true. “Better staying here. My boy’s here.” His frown deepened. “How’d you know it wasn’t you on the tape?”
“I heard the words.”
“Things we say in bed don’t always stick later. Could be you.”
She laughed and got up, stealing his hands to hoist him up too. “No, it couldn’t.” She leaned in to whisper, “I don’t call him Ire in bed.”