Page 98 of Forbidden Bond

The guys on the stairs up to the office made way for her and her guards. They’d maybe think twice about letting Swerve by, except he was with McDade security already, they could take him down if necessary.

In the office, Conn was at the desk with a half dozen other guys in the room. Strat, on the couch, Niall, of course, a couple of others she didn’t know. They were high enough in the ranks to hang out with Conn, so she guessed they were safe.

“Hi, honey, I’m home,” she declared and dumped her purse on the desk to bow and kiss him. “I brought company.”

Snuff and Stranger led Swerve into Conn’s office with Familiar at his heel.

“Vermin?” Conn asked. “You take pity on the mangy stray? Need me to put it down?”

Swerve actually snickered. “Thinks she’s being smart, she’s too scared to meet with me alone.”

Conn’s hand slid up her leg, as he pushed out the chair, he directed her between his thighs to sit on one.

“No, she’s a good girl, does as told. She’s McDade property, you don’t approach her. Need another lesson in manners, Manzani?”

In that busy room, any hostile confrontation could get violent, and Swerve’s odds weren’t great.

“I’d ask you the same. Stepped up in Hustle when no one wanted you there, Irish.”

“That why you’re here? Fighting the baby’s battle for him?”

“No,” Swerve said, sauntering up to the desk to toss a flash drive down. “Figured I’d give her the dignity of seeing it first.”


Niall snatched up the drive and plugged it into a laptop, dropping into the chair at the end of the desk to load it up.

“Fun times, McDade. You and your perfect little bluebell,” he said with a sneer. “Want the world to know how depraved you are?”


SHIT, WAS THIS the…? Their sex tape? It wasn’t a big deal, she and Conn had talked about it. Well, she’d told him there was a chance of it being out there. Niall, and other McDades had seen it before. And with her father locked up and her brother on a… whatever he was on, a sex tape was the least of their worries.

All true.

But did it have to be revealed in this room filled with guys? She’d prefer to put on a live show than sit quietly while their grunts and moans littered the air. At least if Conn was actually inside her, she’d have him to focus on.

And, yep, without preamble, the panting started, a moan, a gasp. She couldn’t be self-conscious. If Conn was staring this one down, then so was she. They could take it. The screen wasn’t faced their way, and Niall did lower it some, so no one was really watching it.

She stole a glance at Strat, her friend looked more amused than disgusted, thank God. He’d tease her about this forever.

“Yes,” Sex Tape Her said. “Oh, yes, baby!”

“Like that?” came his response. “Feel good?”

“Oh, yeah, just like that. Fuck!”

“Full steam,” Swerve said. “No hesitation.”

Yeah, so either the footage had been cut to miss the foreplay, or they were hearing a select part. She’d never actually watched their sex tape in full. Conn had it, then Strat did. And she was there, it wasn’t like she could forget how incredible it was to be in bed with—

“Oh, fuck, Ire! More! Please, oh, fuck.”

“Call it out, baby. Fuck, yeah.”

Her smile came as Conn’s chin rose.

His hand dropped to her lap. “Release it,” he said to Swerve, then switched to Niall. “You got it there? Send it to every news outlet. Post it online. Sell it to the porn sites.”