“You got it.”
Some of it could be priceless antiques, or it could be cheap tat made to look old. Whatever the case, she was adamant. None of those things, those memories, had a place in their lives.
Overall, it had been a successful night, and she didn’t want to lose the high. Staying positive, she wouldn’t let her father influence her mood.
“No one answered my question about digs,” she said as they got to the street. “Can we drop anyone off? I don’t mind taking the long way round if it gets you guys home sooner.”
If Conn hadn’t chased her yet, he was still in the midst of his agenda, whatever that was. Hers still wasn’t completely clear. What she did know? She needed to go to the club and ask her guy for help.
Better him than her, but still, her heart hurt a little when she thought of it.
“Home soon?” Hock asked. “We sleep at the club, the mansion, wherever you need us to sleep.”
As Daly opened the car door, headlights swung around the corner and a vehicle came to a stop nose-to-nose with her ride.
“Get in the car,” Daly said.
She only got a step before the driver’s door opened. The height of the guy would betray him even if she wasn’t familiar with his silhouette.
“Swerve,” she said as he strolled onto the sidewalk. This was no coincidence. “What can we do for you?”
“Need to talk.”
“These are my guy’s office hours, he’d be happy to accommodate. Do you need directions, or a note from the teacher?”
“I need to talk,” he said, jerking his head toward her grandfather’s stoop.
“Okay, I’m not going in there with you.”
He held up his hands. “Packing nothing.”
Hock and Snuff went to check. Not that it mattered. A guy of his stature didn’t need a weapon, not to take down someone of hers.
“You want to talk to me? Come to Stag.” Going around the door, she didn’t care Swerve wasn’t happy. “We’ll talk there.”
“I want to talk alone.”
“And we will, at Stag… if my guy agrees to it.”
“Need his permission for everything?”
And it was funny he thought that would spur her into complying. She had nothing to prove. Did Conn do business and have conversations without her? Yes. As she did in return. But Swerve? No. No way. Divide and conquer wouldn’t work. She and Swerve had no personal relationship, so whatever he wanted to talk about, it was business. McDade business.
“Are you afraid, Swerve?” If he could taunt, so could she. “Is Ire the Big, Bad Wolf? Don’t worry, I’ll protect you… if you’re nice to me or have something I want. Otherwise, you’re on your own.”
She got in the car and Daly closed the door. It wasn’t only the location that put her off getting cozy with Swerve. The guy was crazy, sure, and they were holding Vex, one of his allies, under lock and key, neither of those were points in his favor.
“You’re fearless, Bluebell.”
“What do I have to fear with you guys around to keep me safe? Let’s go to the club,” she said, though that had been their intended destination anyway. “And keep an eye on him.”
Strength. Commitment. Loyalty. These were McDade qualities. Supporting her guy meant supporting the family. His family. Their family.
After sifting through the memories in her grandfather’s chest, she had to wonder if they’d have the same for their children. Any time the subject came up, Conn spoke like it would happen. Business got in the way, family drama got in the way. They’d had little time to discuss how either of them saw their future together.
Would they ever be secure? Would their children? Though she didn’t doubt his resolve to keep her safe, Conn never made any promises about his own life. Raising kids alone would be tough. Raising McDade kids… If Conn wasn’t around, would she have the ability to protect them?
At Stag, she didn’t wait though a car pulled up right behind her. Daly and Hock took her inside while others corralled Swerve.