“Should you check because I won’t—”
“My word is as good as his.”
Tulip slid along the seat. “I heard something else about you, something about Ire.” With situation on top of situation swirling in her midst, that could point to any number of things. “Give me the inside track on—”
“I’ll give you a maybe until you spill something. How do I know you even have this witness’s name?”
“I have it.”
She sipped her liquor. “So tell me.”
“Do I have your word nothing will happen to him?”
“Contrary to popular belief, I’m not all-powerful. Something could happen to any of us any second.” And what would happen to him was Conn’s decision, she wouldn’t dish out promises on his behalf. Oh, yeah, and there was a good chance she might slash the bastard herself. “The CI wasn’t your source. Give me his name. Who’s Wanstead got in his pocket?”
On a grumbled exhale, Tulip surrendered. “Sneddon.”
“The security guy?” Wow, and he’d thought he had PTSD before? He ain’t seen nothing yet. “Dick move.”
Determining who was pulling Wanstead’s strings was the next mystery.
Her phone ringing cut Tulip off. The screen said Imogen. She held up a forefinger to answer.
“Hey,” she said without giving away the caller’s identity. That it was Imogen increased the urgency, they’d got into somemesses together in the past. Might be cueing up another. “You okay?”
“We can’t get hold of Dad or Ford. I was at his apartment; Dad didn’t go home last night. Tell me he’s with you. Please.”
“Not presently, but I know where he is and he’s safe.”
“Where? Please, Sersha!”
“Okay, okay.” It wasn’t like Imogen to freak without cause. “We’re at the club having lunch.”
“You and my dad?”
“Me and Tulip. You can come join us or we’ll meet back at the office.” Quiet lingered. “Hello?”
“Is Tulip… is she on the inside of… any of it?”
“No!” She snickered. “God, no.”
“So why would you—”
“Reasons.” She scooted along the seat. “I have to come back and talk to Steeple anyway. Meet us at the office.” Hanging up, she bounced out of the booth and got going. “I have to get back to work.”
Tulip followed. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, will be.” Landing a smile on Daly, he just glared. “What’s up, friend?”
“You didn’t eat anything.”
Waving over her shoulder, she set the exit in her sights. “Yeah, I never eat lunch, didn’t you know that?” Good thing this guy was under orders to keep her alive. “Let the guys have at it.”
STRAT WAS ONE THING. She had no idea where Ford would be. With Tulip at her side in the car, calling Conn for an update wasn’t possible. Almost as quick as they left, they returned to their Chronicler floor.