Page 48 of Forbidden Bond

“You help by sitting on your arse,” Niall said. “This is grown up stuff.”

Congratulations, he got her from despair to offense in a flash. “And you know just the way to piss me off.”

Fighting, arguing the insult, was her impulse, but she’d caused so much trouble already. Niall might be her vent, though hostility wouldn’t help. They had enough of that on the outside, inside should be safe.

Meeting her guy’s eye, it was easier to address him. “Will you check Lach’s okay? I know you said my father isn’t—I don’t care about him, but my brother—”

“Is safe.”

Did he know that for sure or was he trying to put her mind at ease?

“Will you take Daly? Him and Strat have worked together with—”

“Daly’s job is to keep you alive.”

“Hock?” When that got no reaction, she winced. “I’m sorry about this. The trouble. Again.”

Her love’s head moved, just a fraction, enough to send Niall trailing out of the room again.

“Front and center.” Rounding the desk as he sat, she sank down onto his lap, raising her feet to the arm as he stroked her thigh. “Vex took Strat. Your father held the gun. Stop taking responsibility for other people’s shit.”

“You wouldn’t be dealing with any of this if it wasn’t for—”

“The actions of others. You’re a McDade, Macushla. McDades don’t apologize. Not at our level.” His gaze grew acute. “I gave you an out—”

“I don’t want an out. My job is to support you and all I’ve done recently is endanger lives.”

“I am going to get your friend back. Insulting him is insulting you, and that won’t fly. And if…”

She pressed closer. “What?”

“It’s overdue.”

“What is?”

“Vex and me got some business that needs cleared up.”

So maybe walking in there wouldn’t be so bad. “It’s good timing?” Thinking of Strat being hurt couldn’t ring any positive bells, but if Conn could kill two birds with one stone… “Please bring him back to me, and you come home to me too. I need both of you back.”

“And Vex?”

It wasn’t possible to convey how little she cared about his safety.

Her fingers slid down his chest. “Has whatever fate you decide. I don’t care if he’s hurt, I don’t care if you kill him, except…”

“You worry how his father will react.”

“I trust you, but I’ll always worry. Living without you this week, I can’t go through it again for a minute, let alone a lifetime.”

“Our superior position gives us more latitude.”

“You won Harvest.” He nodded once, though that was a given. “Is Silvio pissed?”

Vex’s father, Silvio Manzani, also known as The Director, had been on the other side of that vote. Winning it gave the McDades more territory, more power.

“He will be when I tell him about his son’s betrayal.”

Vex did seem to forget that he’d tipped his hand to the McDades. Sometimes he was his own worst enemy. He’d engaged with the McDades looking for help and support. But it all came down to who was packing what in their pants.