The exclamation was meant to wind her up, trust her brother to be her brother.
“Ididn’t shoot him.” And she wouldn’t tell her cop brother what happened to the real shooters. “He’s doing okay, I patched him up, but I want him to see the doc. Are you at the mansion?”
“You’d be okay with that? With me being there?”
“Lach, I don’t even know where to begin,” she said, breathing out. One battle at a time. “You’re safe?”
“I’m safe. Get to the mansion before Ire finds out his guys are hiding your disappearance from him.”
Did it count as hiding anything? If Conn was still caught up with whatever was happening at Stag, no one would interrupt his line of concentration. It wasn’t hidden news, just deferred until it was relevant. Which it never would be because she wasn’t missing.
“Did the Byrnes show at the mansion? Is it safe?”
“It was when I put Dad there. Don’t know now, I’m on the road.”
“On the road? I thought you were safe? Where’s Dad?”
“At the mansion, locked up tight, where I left him.” And her questions about that situation would have to wait for another time. “I’m on my way back there.”
“You were at the mansion and left? Where did you go?”
“Back to Stag.”
“Why?” To help or make some arrests? “Niall asked me to track you down. Easier than I thought.” She smiled. “Meet me at the mansion.”
“But what if—”
“If there was a problem at the mansion, Niall would’ve told me to avoid it. Instead he told me to get you there, to Ire’s suite. I’m guessing you know where that is. Can Strat drive?”
“I can drive.”
Except maybe she shouldn’t with their current vehicular situation.
“Put him on.”
And in her melee of madness, she handed the phone to her friend.
“Yeah,” Strat said, frowning for a beat before laughing. “Yeah, you got that right… I’ll take care of it.” He hung up. “Get your shit, we’re going.”
SHE REFUSED TO LEAVE the mansion’s foyer until laying eyes on her brother. Lighting was low, the house should be asleep. It probably was before the alarm was raised, maybe, the guys there didn’t follow a typical timetable.
Her bare toes chilled on the cool marble, feeble against the beat of boots running in and out of the building.
A stream of men left, then the front door swung shut.
“There’ll be more of them,” Whisper’s voice echoed above. Swirling around, the woman’s smile came with an almost laugh as she leaned over the balustrade. “Looking for your pop? He’s downstairs with Vindictive Vex and Marvelous Madison.”
“She’s here?”
Keeping their female prisoner increased chances the Byrnes would hit them again. They’d stay on their hitlist… though no matter who won the night, that wouldn’t change. Still, something about the McDades triumph stirred her pride.
“We have reinforced security here,” Whisper said.
“Security that just ran out the front door?” Strat asked, folding his arms as he leaned on the newel post. “Might be the Byrnes plan.”
“Some of those guys are patrolling the perimeter, and we have a posse in the basement, taking care of business. Ire predicted this. Man’s got a talent, can’t deny it. And I’m here! I know what to do when I see a Byrne: kill it.”