A few of the cats, mostly the ones who have been here a little longer, give a meow in greeting, but I’m on a mission. There’s a kitten who was brought in after being found on the side of the road. She was barely alive and something about her called to me.
It’s not always easy to care for these animals and not give them all a home, but I force myself to connect and give to them, because they need me even while knowing that their forever home is out there. Somewhere. I can only hope I’m capable of helping them find it.
Normally, I am. And if that isn’t the best damn feeling in the world.
The black kitten turns toward me as I approach its kennel, and her big eyes take me in. There’s a certain wariness in her eyes when she looks at me. It’s something an animal so young shouldn’t know, but this one does. Don’t even ask me how I know.
It’s the small bit of hope I see in her eyes which has me opening the door and running my fingers through her fur.
There was a time when I wanted to become a veterinarian because of my love for animals. When I had that dream, I didn’t realize how much time, money, and school it would take. I was a good student, but as I got older the realization of how much money I would be sinking into an education was a reality I wasn’t prepared for.
Could I have found a way? I’m sure, but then I started volunteering at the shelter and I realized I got a role in the lives of these animals in a way a vet doesn’t get. I don’t just see sick animals, though that does happen, but I’m blessed to help find these animals a home where they can be safe and loved. In doing that I’m not only helping the animal, but the person as well.
I’m grateful that the shelter has an amazing relationship with vets in the area, but I never feel like I’m missing out on anything. I’m pretty sure I have the best of both worlds with taking care of the animals and being a part of the future they’ll have.
My heart warms as I pick the kitten up and tuck it close to my chest. Almost immediately she starts to purr and snuggles closer to me. While I try not to get attached to every animal, this one has wormed its way into my heart.
Damn her.
I shouldn’t take her home with me, but I want nothing more.
It’s not easy for black cats to get adopted, something I’ve learned the hard way. People might not even be aware of their bias and superstitions, but they’ll pick any other color cat before a black one normally. That would be enough for me to get attached, but there’s something about this little kitten soul in myhands that has called to me from the moment she was brought in.
I tuck my face near its head and murmur softly, “How’s your day, Midnight?”
Should I be naming the shelter animals? Hell no, but this one is a Midnight if I’ve ever met one before. She deserves a name and a home.
The meow she gives back to me, as if answering and echoing my own thoughts, has me smiling. Before I even realize I’m doing it, I’m sinking down to the floor and petting her. I swear her little eyes roll back in her head as her purring gets louder, and she relaxes in my arms completely.
Midnight has been on edge since coming here and is skittish around the other animals, including the cats. That’s not a great trait for an animal we want to adopt out. The only good thing is she’s not mean about it, she would just rather hide than interact.
It makes me wonder what her short life was like before she was brought in. My heart aches for this little life in my arms. When her eyes open, an eerie yellow color, the way she’s assessing me has me shaking my head.
I swear this cat knows what I’m thinking without me needing to say a word.
“You’re an old soul, Midnight. You know that?”
She uses her head to bump my hand as a reminder to keep petting her. Who am I refuse?
When the door opens to the cat room, I realize I’ve probably been in here longer than I should have been. Honestly, I only intended to stop in and say hello and get a little love.
Sadie grins down at me and I know I’ve stayed too long. Sadie is a high school senior who has big dreams of going to vet school. Unlike me, she’ll make those dreams into her reality and I’m damn proud of her for it. She’s here every day after school to help get experience with the animals even though she probably has better or more exciting things to do. On the weekends, she’s at the Vet Clinic helping out there.
I’m not sure how she does it all, but her love for animals drives her in the same way it does for me.
She’s ten years younger than me, but I look up to the determination she has. I can only hope she’ll come back to Sweetwater Valley once she achieves her dreams. We could use another Vet in town, especially considering Doc is getting up there in age and could use the help.
“I thought I’d find you in here,” there’s a teasing lilt to her voice which has me grinning.
“You caught me,” I shoot right back to her as I stand up. Even though I should put Midnight back, and I will, I don’t hesitate to steal a few more snuggles from her. “Everything okay out there?”
Sadie waves her hand dismissively, “It’s covered, Kimball, don’t worry.” I nod as she looks between me and the cat I desperately want to give a home to. “You know, it’s okay if you adopt her,” she gently prods.
“I shouldn’t,” I protest, but it sounds weak, even to me.
“She needs a good home.” When I don’t argue or deflect immediately, she plows on. “You’re always talking about how the animal is the one who chooses their human. From where I stand, that little fur ball has chosen her human and it’s you.”
Yeah, I’ve definitely said that, and I believe it. I’ve seen enough pets and people pairings to know that it’s true. Someone comes into the shelter or sees the animals at an event we’ve been invited to and something magical happens. The person might think they’re coming in for something specific, but all those preconceived notions fly out the window when they make a connection with the right animal.