“I may not be some supermodel,” Evelyn says, and if it weren’t for being stunned immobile by the tone and the image she makes, I’d interrupt that self-deprecating sentence. Instead, I watch my woman speak in a way I never thought she had in her. “I might not drive a fancy car, or live in a mansion, or spend thousands of dollars on a pair of shoes.”

Lindy comes out of her shock and haughtily crosses her arms over her chest, making a stupid-looking duck face.

“I might have never been a cheerleader, or popular, or the girl everyone wanted to smash,” Evie continues, and Trenton whistles next to me. “But I am not a freak,” she says low, her chin tipping down as she stares at Lindy over the rim of her glasses. “And I’m proud of what I am, Ms. Jones.”

Lindy tries to look like she’s unaffected, but I can tell by the way her fingers grip her bicep that she’s embarrassed someone is calling her on her shit for once, and in front of everyone, no less. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?” she questions, putting extra attitude behind it to hide her discomfort.

Evelyn smiles darkly then stands up straight, gesturing to all the bookcases surrounding us, her eyes following her hand. “I… am a librarian,” she answers boastfully. And then her hands come back down on the table as she meets Lindy’s eyes once more. And just when I think that’s the end of her speech, she lifts a finger and points directly at me. “And I. Belong. To him.”

Out of my peripheral vision, I see Lindy’s jaw drop at the same time Trenton slaps me on my back, but it’s the stunning creature before me, who spins gracefully and sashays back to the circulation desk who has my full and undivided attention. And just to make it perfectly clear, as if there was any doubt left in anyone’s mind, I call loudly across the room.

“I love you, Ms. Richards!”

I see her blush from here. “I love you too, Mr. Black.”

And then the bell rings.Chapter 23EvieI see Lindy gather her things quickly and storm out of the library, everyone else chattering quietly about what just happened. As all the other students file out of the room, Nate pushes in all the chairs as always then puts his hands in his pockets and strolls up to my desk. I meet him from the other side, the three feet of wood still separating us. My adrenaline is still running high after the confrontation, but I can’t hide the smile on my face.

He leans down, propping his elbows on the desk, taking my hand between his. “The Mummy, Evie?”

I giggle. “I’ve always wanted to use that line.”

He grins. “Funny you’re a librarian named Evie. I never thought about it before.”

“It’s my all-time favorite movie. She’s the whole reason I ever wanted to become one in the first place,” I confide, shivering when he runs a fingertip down the center of my palm before lifting it to his lips and placing a kiss there.

“You know, that movie came out before I was even born.” He lifts a brow.

I snort. “You say that like I was that far behind you.”

“I’m just sayin’,” he replies, standing to his full height. “Only one more day.”

My breath catches at the heat in his eyes. “Only one more day,” I echo breathlessly, knowing that tomorrow is Friday and another weekend begins. And all the things he could possibly plan to do to me fill my mind.

“See you later, little mouse,” he murmurs, kissing my knuckles before backing away.

All I do is nod, unable to speak as he gives me such a hungry and promising look.The following Tuesday, Nate and I sit in Dr. Walker’s office for his final session. The first thing out of my mouth when we sat down though was to retell the story of me taking up for myself in the library last Thursday, which led to Nate having to backtrack and tell him everything that happened last week, starting with the game I initiated.

While I did get scolded for my poor choice in setting, Doc was proud of me for both situations. He pointed out that, even though I’m a submissive, that shouldn’t stop me from doing the things I want in life. I don’t have to let every decision be made for me, and if there’s something I want, I should never be afraid to voice it and make it happen. He also made sure Nathaniel rewarded me for sticking up for myself, which he most certainly did… thrice.

He enjoyed the story of me meeting Nate’s family and how it had been Doc in a roundabout way who shed light on our relationship to his parents, since it had been his office’s insurance claim. And he was excited that the Blacks were so supportive of us.