“—that quickly changed when I started coming to therapy twice a week and I soon saw him more as a father-figure.”

I huff. “A father-figure who teaches you BDSM?” I sneer.

“Okay, so not so much a father-figure, but like… the only male I had in my life who taught me how to take care of myself,” she explains, and I relax marginally.

I look her in the eyes so I know… I just know she won’t be able to lie to me. “He’s never once been your Dom?”

“At the club, all submissives respect the Dominants as if they were their own. But if you’re asking if we’ve ever had a scene together, the answer is no.”

“I do not scene with my patients,” Doc speaks up, his voice calm, and I look over at him, seeing he’s picked up his notepad and pen again.

After a moment, I turn back to Evie and give her a slight nod, and she gives me one more quick kiss before sitting back on the couch, albeit keeping her legs over mine and crossing her ankles.

“For the record, Nate, if you decide to become a member of Club Alias, the man you will receive training from to become a Dominant is the same man who taught Evelyn to be a proper submissive.”

My eyes snap to his.

“Will you be able to handle knowing the fact that he’s scened with your sub?” Doc prompts.

My lips twist while I really think about that question. Could I learn something so important from a man who has fucked my girl? Would I be able to concentrate enough to be trained in this way of life while having the niggling thought in the back of my head, the image of him touching, punishing… rewarding the woman who I think of as mine?

Evie speaks up in her sweet voice, and I turn to focus on her. “If it makes a difference, he’s now super happily married with a baby on the way. He hasn’t touched anyone but her since the day he met her. Seven’s a very… hands-off kind of trainer nowadays, but he’s still the best around.”

That actually does make me feel somewhat better. I’m not one to kiss and tell, but Evie has to know it’s some of her own students she sees every day who I fucked in the past. She doesn’t seem to let that bother her, so can’t I show her the same trust and respect?

I make the decision, knowing this is the path I want my life to take. And if being trained by someone who taught Evie to be such a perfect and amazing submissive, even if that training involved him scening with her, then that’s something I’ll just have to come to terms with.

“I’ll be able to handle it. If it means learning to be the perfect Dom for Evie, I’ll do it,” I tell them both, and she gives me a beaming smile.Chapter 18Evie

A little more than two weeks have passed since our first session with Doc. And as per Club Alias membership rules, Nathaniel must go through four sessions with him in order to be assessed thoroughly enough to be cleared to apply to be a member. It’s the owners’ way of making sure all members of the club are of safe and sound mind before they’re let loose to enjoy each other in our private oasis of forbidden fantasies come to life.

We ended the first session not long after Nate’s assurance about being trained by Seven, the Dominant in charge of teaching the new Doms and subs about the lifestyle starting from the very basics until they work their way up to big leagues. He also certifies the experienced Doms and subs, so they’re able to use all the toys and equipment available in the Club. No one who hasn’t been taught is allowed to touch something they haven’t been checked off for. We ended the session with Doc assuring me I wouldn’t lose my membership for unknowingly leading Nathaniel there, but not before I got a tongue lashing for submitting to an untrained Dom outside the club, to which I had to swear on my future children I would never do again, besides with Nate, who Doc approved of after witnessing how protective he was of me.

In the second and third sessions, we got back on track discussing systematic desensitization, and how we might’ve been on to that without even knowing what we were doing. By allowing Nate to dominate me, to give in to that side of him that he’d always feared to let loose, it exposed him to the fear, and it allowed him to see he didn’t need to be afraid of it. That’s why afterward, he didn’t have to perform his rituals, why his disorder didn’t rule and dictate his actions and mind—because basically he faced his fears and had overcome them.