“Did you come looking for me, Ms. Richards?” he asks me, and I answer truthfully.

“I was heading to my car, and then suddenly I was here, like I was drawn to you.”

I see his bicep flex, hear him blow out a breath above and behind me, and I feel it on my neck, giving me goose bumps. “Mmm, you don’t know how good that makes me feel, sweet Evie,” he whispers.

I reach down to rustle in my purse blindly, pulling my phone out. When I unlock it, the first thing that pops up is his picture, since I never closed out the Messages app. He sees it and chuckles as I scramble to close it out and open my Camera app, making a show of taking a picture of the hours sign.

I turn around, more controlled this time, and he smiles wickedly as he puts just enough space between us to not look suspicious. I glance toward Coach Gauntt out the corner of my eye, but she’s not paying a bit of attention to anything other than her swimmers.

“I appreciate the photo you sent me, Mr. Black. It’ll be very useful later,” I say quietly, suddenly feeling ballsy and wanting to give him a dose of his own medicine at what my words might mean.

When I meet his eyes, they’re blazing, his nostrils slightly flared. I swallow thickly, forcing myself to keep my posture, because he looks like he wants to eat me alive.

“You lay one finger on that pussy and there will be hell to pay… Ms. Richards,” he growls low, and my eyes dart around to make sure no one is near us before I whisper my reply.

“Well then it’s a good thing I have a vibrator, Nathaniel.”

All of his muscles tense, and he starts to take a step toward me, but the loud shrill of the whistle being blown saves us both from whatever scene he was about to make.

“Next set!” Coach Gauntt yells, and Nate curses under his breath before stepping back.

He looks deep into my eyes, a warning on his face and in his tone. “I’ll call you this evening.”

I drop my phone into my purse and then pull it higher up on my shoulder, giving him a nod. “Good luck, Nate.” I give him a little smile, my eyes twinkling when he narrows his eyes, leaving him wondering if I’m talking about the phone call or his race as I leave to head out to my car.Chapter 17NateNothing could be better than Evelyn’s complete surrender as I sink my cock deep into her scorching, wet, gripping pussy. Nothing. But after last night, I learned that playing power games with her when we’re unable to be together is a close fucking second.

In my research, I learned the benefits of making a submissive hold out, setting a rule that they aren’t allowed to give themselves pleasure without their Dom’s explicit permission. The site I found romanticized it, making it sound delicious and intoxicating instead of clinical like a few of the other things I was reading sounded. And I’m man enough to admit I like the more fantastical version of the lifestyle better. Maybe it’s the reader in me.

The article on the site said to think about it as if you own your submissive’s pleasure. Their orgasms belong to their Dom. So if they were to have those orgasms without their Dom, it’s like they’re stealing them from him… or her… although a female version is called a Domme, or Dominatrix, or Fem Dom.... Actually, every site I came across called them something different, so I’m not sure. Not that it matters, since I never plan to be with one; I just like to absorb all the information I can find on a subject I’m interested in.

So after I called her last night, I made it clear that she wasn’t allowed to come without me, but I promised her a reward if she was a good little sub and followed my rules. Since I’d be in her small town for our appointment with Dr. Walker this evening, there was nothing keeping me from making a pit stop at her house on my way back home afterward.

The day went about the same as yesterday—me compulsively counting down the time until study hall and our appointment, Evelyn’s presence quieting the obsessive thoughts enough that I could finish my work once I got to the library. A stolen kiss between bookcases. Parting words that made her flush with desire. There was a sign on the circulation desk today letting students know that the head librarian would be absent today during the last class and afterhours but a substitute would be available, and reading it made my adrenaline surge in my veins knowing it was because she was leaving early to make it to our appointment at four.