Jane was so offended by Marnie’s resignation that she told her not to even work out a two-week notice. She takes it personally when someone quits.
This job for a high-profile client is my chance to prove myself. I’ve worked here for five years, starting straight out of college as an intern. I like my job, and I want to stay here.
Publicists get to make people shine. Sometimes, we come in for damage control, helping clients rebuild their images. I like being part of a team that consists of me and my client.
I also like paying my electric bill on time and having a professional cut my hair instead of doing it myself.
Which means I have to get that promotion.
“Wait. What?”I gape at my boss a couple of hours later after finding out what my special assignment is.
“You’ll be his...handler,” Jane says brightly. “It couldn’t be an easier job, really. You just watch over him and make sure he’s not getting into trouble.”
Arnold Morgan, owner of the Minnesota Mammoths pro hockey team, grins at Jane.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, Jane. Bill me whatever rate you think is reasonable. And if she can keep him out of trouble for the whole three months, there’ll be a considerable bonus.”
“Bonus?” I turn to Arnold, distracted by his offer.
“Any bonus paid will go to the firm and it will be at my discretion what portion goes to you,” Jane says.
I furrow my brow, mentally reviewing this assignment. Jane basically wants me to babysit a pro hockey player twenty-four seven. Stay with him and as Arnold said, “keep him out of trouble.”
“Why?” I ask.
Jane’s eyes flash with annoyance. “Because I own this firm, Josie, and--”
I cut in. “No, not that. Why does this guy need a handler? What kind of trouble has he gotten into?”
Arnold sighs through his nose. “Jane, is this conversation covered by our NDA?”
“Yes. Josie signed a blanket nondisclosure agreement and can’t repeat anything from any client conversations.”
Arnold nods and continues. “Dane has always liked the ladies. He recently slept with a woman who is legally separated from a well-known actor, and the actor has been tweeting about it. Dane would tell you he just likes to have a good time, but he’s been dragged hungover from women’s beds by teammates to catch the team bus more than once. He was arrested last week for public indecency after having sex with a woman on a park bench and then passing out. The woman stole all his clothes and his wallet afterward and when the sun rose, the police were called.”
“What a headache for you, Arnold,” Jane says, shaking her head. “Let us worry about this player so you can get back to the business of running your team.”
Arnold exhales and smiles like he’s just dumped the weight of the world from his shoulders.
“I appreciate it, Jane. You’ve come through for me every time I’ve hired you.”
I want to ask what’s happening here. Because they can’t possibly expectmeto do this job.
“How big is this guy Dane?” I ask.
“Dane Foster is six-three and a hundred and ninety pounds,” Arnold says, reciting his roster stats.
I gesture at myself. “Five-four and a hundred seventeen. How can I keep someone that size from doing anything?”
“Dane has been told this is his last shot,” Arnold says. “If he steps out of line, you’ll need to call his head coach immediately, and then this will all be over. No more PR nightmares; I don’t care how great of a player he is.” Arnold exhales hard. “But if you can keep him in line for the rest of the season--until the playoffs are over--that would be a great service to our team.”
“Consider it done,” Jane says, standing. “We won’t take any more of your time, Arnold. I’ll be in touch with the contract.”
“I can give you a business credit card for all her expenses,” he says, reaching for his wallet.
“No need. I’ll bill your accounting people with receipts.”
“Thanks, Jane.” He glances at me. “And thanks to you too, Josie.”