“No worries,” Abby says. “We just got here. These are our first drinks.”
She raises a transparent cup that’s already halfway empty, and Gianna shoves her with her elbow. They burst out laughing.
Knowing them, it’s probably their third drink. I kind of envy them. I wish I could let go and not care about consequences, but it’s hard to get into that mindset after having too many responsibilities on my shoulders. If I let loose, who’s going to take care of Mom?
Not that I’m complaining. Mom sacrificed a lot to raise me on her own. After Dad left, she gave up on her own romantic happiness to look after me. She turned down so many suitors to ensure I was her only focus, so I’m happy to return the favor now that she needs me.
Groups of men walk past us. Their eyes inevitably fall on Gianna. She drinks her beer and grins at them. I suppose I could have done the same if Alonzo hadn’t been picky about my outfit. For some reason, he wanted me covered up.
“We should get something to eat first,” I say, looking at Isabella. She nods in agreement. We have met up as a group to drink a few times, and each time I make sure Isabella isn’t drinking on an empty stomach. The two of us have grown closer since the day she helped me prep Mom’s food.
“I had a turkey leg last year, and it was dope,” Abby says. “You guys want to try them?”
“Sure,” Isabella says.
We find the booth serving turkey legs and each order one. The legs are much longer than I expected, but Abby is right. They are delicious.
We munch on the legs while waiting in a different line to order drinks. As we stand there, I notice somebody watching us from a nearby crowd. Crap. It’s Alonzo.
No. He’s not standing in the crowd. He’s moving, walking toward us.
“Ladies,” Alonzo says, giving a quick glance at the girls before resting his eyes on me.
“Professor Alvarez!” Isabella says, hiding the drink behind her back. She had been the first one to order a beer, and incredibly, the server hadn’t even asked to see her ID.
“Don’t worry,” Alonzo says, his eyes still on me. “I don’t care that you’re drinking. I’m a bit of a rule breaker myself.”
“Professor,” Gianna says, inserting herself between Alonzo and me. She tosses her blonde hair behind her ear, flaunting her chest at him. “We were about to get drinks. Would you like to join us?”
“I’m sure he’s busy,” I say.
“Actually, I just came from a very intense workout session. I can use a beer,” he says, looking beyond Gianna’s shoulder at me. So far, he’s the only man who hasn’t drooled over Gianna’s chest.
We get our drinks and sit at a picnic table to finish our food. Gianna squeezes herself in the seat next to Alonzo, between him and Abby. Isabella and I sit opposite to them.
“Do you want a bite, Professor?” she asks, putting her turkey leg up to his face. When I got here, I thought she and Abby were on their third drink, but maybe I underestimated them. I’m sure she’ll cringe in a few days when we tell her what happened tonight.
“I’m good,” Alonzo says, turning away with an annoyed face. He takes a sip of his beer and looks around. “What are the plans for the night, ladies? Going home after this? Meeting up with some boys?”
Is he jealous?
So that’s why he’s here. It’s not that he wants to hang out with me or meet my friends, he’s just jealous I’ll meet with some guy. Is he this jealous with all his college flings?
“No boys,” Gianna is the first to respond. “What about you, Professor? Meeting any girls after this?”
“No,” he says. “No girls for me.”
“How come?” Gianna asks. “I’m sure there are girls here craving a different type of sausage.” Her eyes drop to Alonzo’s lap.
“Gianna!” Abby says. “Why don’t we go get a pitcher for the table?”
Gianna rolls her eyes but follows Abby to a beer booth.
“Sorry about that,” I say. “She gets a little wild when she drinks, but she’s nice when she’s sober.”
“It’s okay,” Alonzo says. I don’t know if he’s trying to make it obvious that he’s into me or what, but he hasn’t broken eye contact with me since we sat at the table.