Page 38 of Forbidden Hearts

“This girl,” I say under my breath.

I lean against the side of my car and look up at the moon again. It goes against the reputation I’ve built, but I’m going to keep this a secret for a while longer. At least until I’ve had my fun with her.

Chapter 18


Music and bright lights spill out from behind the two story house. Cars line up along both sides of the street, crowding the neighborhood road.

Frat boys run shirtless on the front lawn, with large, white letters painted on their chests and red cups in both hands. A few feet away from them, sorority girls stand in circles, watching the guys and pointing and laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

“Is this how you spend your weekends, Alex?” I ask as I trail her car.

I halt when Alex parks behind the line of cars across the street from the house. She exits the car in a black mini dress that hugs her body tightly. It shows off her sensual legs and her tight ass. Fuck.

She crosses the street with Isabella, whom she picked up and got ready with an hour ago. Isabella wears a much more conservative outfit, a blue top and worn-out denim jeans. I wish Alex wore that outfit instead so I wouldn’t have to worry about other men looking at her.

I wait until they cross the street before I park behind her car. When the coast is clear, I get out and slowly make my way to the house.

I’m fully aware that I will stand out at the party, but I don’t care. So what if a professor shows up at a college party? I have done so in the past, and nobody has thought much of it.

Up ahead, Alex and Isabella approach the gate that leads to the backyard of the house. A tall guy waves them over, but Alex puts her hand out and pulls out her phone. She texts somebody and mouths something to Isabella, who nods in response.

A few minutes later, two girls, one with blonde hair and one with pink highlights, appear and lead them to the backyard.

“Professor?” someone says.

Beside me, standing on the front lawn a few feet away from a group of sorority girls, a familiar woman approaches me. I try to remember where I know her from but draw a blank. She’s wearing a black top with a matching mini skirt.

She sighs loudly.

“You don’t remember me again?”

“I’m sorry, I—”

She shakes her head and walks away. She joins the group of women standing on the lawn, some of whom turn to look at me. I recognize some of their faces from my art classes.


I remember now. She’s my student. The one who gave me her number on the first day of class and who I bumped into at a bar a few nights ago. Well, it’s a good thing I’m not interested in her because I’m sure I blew all my chances with her.IfI was interested.

I turn and walk to the house. Instead of going to the backyard, I head to the front door. A group of college guys sit by the door, smoking weed.

“Oh shit,” one of them says, tossing his blunt into a nearby bush. He looks at me with wide eyes. The rest of them follow suit and hide their joints when they see me.

“Professor Alvarez,” the one who threw the blunt into the bush mumbles. Adam. A former art student of mine. I don’t know the rest, but I recognize their faces from school.

“Carry on, guys,” I say as I walk past them into the house. “I’m not here to bust your balls.”

Inside, the house is dark, illuminated only by black lights. Glow sticks of all shapes, sizes, and colors hang from strings taped to the ceiling.

Students walk with glow sticks around their necks and wrists, and some women wear hair accessories that glow under the black lights.

I walk past them toward the door at the back of the living room. The door takes me to a small kitchen, where a screen door leads to the backyard. Groups of students hover around the fridge. They each grab a bottle of beer in each hand and head outside.

Before heading out there myself, I move to the window and look outside. There’s a large pool in the middle of the backyard. Drunk students stand around the pool, watching even drunker students play volleyball in the pool.

Behind the pool, a DJ blasts music between two large speakers. To the far right, students huddle around a large keg, taking turns doing keg stands.