Page 35 of Forbidden Hearts

“Isabella,” I say. “The redhead who sits next to me in class?”

“Oh, sure,” he says. “Who else is going to be there?”

“I don’t know,” I say, hopping off his desk to grab my shorts from the floor. “I should get going, but I’m free tonight.”

I just had the best orgasm in a long time, maybe even in my entire life. I’m no longer ashamed to admit that I want more.

Alonzo sighs. “I have something tonight. I guess I’ll see you when I see you. Don’t forget to tell Jacob you’re no longer working at The Den.”

“But—” I start before he cuts me off.

“No excuses, Alex. Get it done.”


A few hours later, I’m at my apartment, thinking about Alonzo’s lips on mine, and his tongue on my clit. Heat pools between my legs when I remember how he suckled at my clit while his fingers rubbed my G-spot.

But the feeling doesn’t last long. It’s replaced by a dark pit in my lower stomach when I remember I need to call Jacob and tell him I’m quitting. He’s not going to be happy, but I need to do it so Alonzo doesn’t suspect something.

With a heavy sigh, I grab my phone to dial Jacob. The phone rings twice before he answers.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he says. “Please tell me you called to tell me you’re feeling better. I miss those sexy legs and that tight ass.”


“About that,” I start. “Alonzo told me to quit. He doesn’t want me working at The Den.”

I don’t know what else to say that won’t anger Jacob, so I give him time to respond so I can gauge his reaction. The one thing I know for sure is that there’s no way in hell I’m going to tell him about the fifty grand Alonzo gave me.

A beat passes before Jacob speaks. “He’s falling for you faster than I thought. Can’t say I blame the son of a bitch.”

“I doubt it,” I say in genuine disbelief.

“Oh please, just look at you. I’m sure that wetback loves your tits as much as I do,” Jacob says. “I can’t wait to have them in my palms again soon.”

The thought of Jacob putting his hands on me again makes me nauseous.

“That’s just lust,” I say. “I won’t get him to trust me with lust alone. And I’m not sure if I can get him to have feelings for me.”

Having somebody like Alonzo fall for me,trulyfall for me, feels outside the realm of possibility, especially now that I’ve gotten closer to him. It’s ironic, but the closer I get to him, the more he feels like an other-worldly being. And I’m just some college girl…

“Can’t you see the obvious? He’s already getting there. He doesn’t want you at The Den because he’s jealous of the reapers watching you dance.”

“I don’t know,” I say, still unconvinced. I’m just another random fling. Still, Iwantto leave The Den behind, so I play along with Jacob’s absurd idea. “But if it’s true, then I have to quit to keep him happy.”

“No, fuck that,” he says. “You are mine. I say you keep working.”

I’m not yours, you piece of human garbage.

“If I don’t quit, he may get suspicious,” I try to reason with Jacob. “He might think we are up to something.”

“He can think whatever he wants, but you are staying with me.”

“No. If you want him to trust me, I need to do what he says. If he tells me to quit, I have to quit. Otherwise…”

“Jesus Christ,” Jacob says. “Even if you quit, what are you going to live on? Who’s gonna take care of your sweet mother’s bills?”

You don’t give a shit about my mom, is what I want to say. But I hold my tongue.