“I will, sir.”
“Now, I apologize in advance, but my mother seems to be desperate for a word with you.” He nudges his chin to my left. Rae’s grandmother points at the chair next to her, silently inviting me to come sit. “Here, take this. You’ll probably need it.”
Johnny offers me his tumbler of whiskey, and I eagerly grab it, mumbling a thanks before I saunter toward the chair.
Evelyn Pearce has long gray hair that’s perfectly styled, with green eyes that seem to follow me like a hawk. She looks like a classy, sophisticated lady, reminding me of my mother, but the fire in her eyes tells me she’s completely different. Evelyn Pearce clearly isn’t afraid to protect her own; you can see it in her entire stance. She’s a lioness.
“Nice to meet you, Jared James Jensen.” She nods approvingly when I take the seat next to her.
“You too, Mrs. Pearce.”
“Oh, please. Call me Evelyn. Or Nana. Whatever seems more fitting.”
I chuckle when she winks at me. The woman is the epitome of a southern belle, and she must have been a gorgeous woman back in her day.
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that, ma’am.”
“Suit yourself.” The old woman pats my leg, and I smile at her, hoping to get on her good graces while bringing the glass to my lips.
“You’re in love with my granddaughter.” She states it with a certainty that has me laughing and choking at the same time.
She is not wasting any time.
“Am I?”
“Oh, you don’t fool me, boy. I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. How you stare at her just a little longer than necessary. Admit it. You’re falling in love with her.”
I sigh.
What is love, really? I don’t know, but I do know I haven’t felt like this before. Not with anyone. I don’t even think I’ve ever witnessed it.
“I don’t know, ma’am,” I reply, honestly.
“Do you think about her before you go to sleep?”
“Yes,” I say without hesitation.
“Do you think about her when you wake up?”
“Does your heart rate speed up when she enters the room?”
Automatically, my eyes find hers, feeling my chest expand. “Yes.”
“That’s love.” The tone in her voice leaves no room for discussion, like she is an expert on the matter.
“That easy, huh?”
“Just because everyone treats it like it’s rocket science, doesn’t mean it is.” She shrugs. “Have you told her?”
“No.” I shake my head, adamant.
Waking up this morning, I realized I felt more for her than I initially pretended to. Being with her feels natural, like I can be me instead of the person everyone expects me to be. But right now, my future is dictated by others, and Rae is not part of their plan. My parents might have given me this week, but I know there’s a shitstorm coming as soon as I leave North Carolina. Something I’m not looking forward to.
But it’s also something I need to sort before I push this any farther. Just to make sure I don’t let her walk into the lion’s den unprepared.
I’m going to fight for her, but guns blazing is not the way to go.