My eyes widen, and my dick twitches.
“You called mebabe.”
“You never call mebabe. Just Jensen.”
She rolls her eyes. “Well, okay, then,Jensen. Let’s go.”
She grabs my hand and starts to tuck me behind her down the street.
“No, don’t stop. I like it.” I drape my arm over the back of her neck, pulling her into my side as we start walking back to the hotel. “Turns me on,” I whisper against her neck, resulting in a chuckle that warms me inside. I can listen to her laugh all day.
“You’d fuck me out here in the street if I’d give you the chance, wouldn’t you?”
I let out a torturous moan, glancing up to the sky, something intense flaring inside of me just at the thought of it.
Fuck yeah, I would.
“If I say yes, will you let me?” I joke halfheartedly.
I’m not going to fuck her in the middle of the street, but I sure as fuck won’t say no if she pulls me into some dark alley right now. I’ve been dying to get her pressed against the wall the entire day. To bury myself inside of her once more and completely get lost in her delicious body. To ease my hunger by eating her out, drinking up her juices like a glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day.
“No,” she says firmly, as expected. “Not in the middle of the street.”
I can hear the suggestion in her voice, and I frown, wondering if I’m hearing her correctly.
“Wait, is there anywhere else you’d be game?” I ask curiously as we walk on together.
“Depends on how public we’re talking.” She smirks, tilting her head to look at me.
I clench my teeth together. “Rae Stafford, my sweet princess, have you ever had sex in public?”
Her fingers thread through mine while the other holds onto my waist.
“Haven’t you?”
“Err, I have. But I didn’t expect you to be such a dirty girl.”
“Pfft, please. You can call me a princess, but that doesn’t mean I am one. I’m not a saint, Jensen.”
Remembering her supposed rebel phase, I run my tongue over my lip.
“Okay, tell me. Where is the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?” My mouth turns dry when I think about all the places I’d love to have her for myself, suddenly aware of all the available possibilities. The jet, the beach, the locker room after a winning game, the movies, the bathroom stall in some trashy bar.
The list is endless, really.
She grunts. “Are we really going to do this?”
“Fuck yeah, we are.”
“Fine,” she huffs, then points her finger at my face. “Don’t get jealous, though.”
Lifting my free hand in the air, I press a kiss to her hair. “I won’t.”
“Craziest, huh?”
I nod, waiting in anticipation as we hold still to continue along the crossing.