Page 81 of Never You

I don’t know why I’m suddenly so mad at him again. Why suddenly he seems to piss me off like he has for the last five years. Maybe it’s the humiliation of finding out he knows I was being cheated on yet didn’t care to tell me. Maybe it's because I now have a hard time trusting men that have women lining up because of their celebrity status. Maybe I’m just confused about the last few days, knowing they will hurt me in the end.Hewill hurt me in the end.

Or maybe I just need someone to throw my frustration out on. But it could also be his offending words, implying I’d sleep with him before I run back to my ex.

Either way, I’m pissed.

The warmth of the summer night hits me in the face when I walk out the door and start to follow the pavement back to ourhotel. The smokey smell of meat being grilled enters my nose, and my stomach starts to roar in protest when I walk by a BBQ food truck.

Ugh, I should’ve never listened to that dick.

Fucking sushi.

But being too stubborn to give into my hunger, I hold my focus forward.

“Rae, I swear to God, stop, or I will—” Jensen groans.

I keep walking, like an angry child, not in the mood for whatever pretty words he has for me, until his arms circle my waist from behind, his mouth now flush with my ear.

My heart stutters, the air lifted from my lungs as his hot breath caresses my skin.

He really needs to stop doing that.

“What’s happening, baby?” The rumble of his voice drums all the way to my core. “What made you all fire blazin’ at me?”

“Let me go!” He tightens his grip on me.

“Not a chance in Hell. Kent might be the kind of guy that will let you storm off in a fight, but I sure as fuck am not. You should’ve known that by now. I love to fight with you. What I don’tlove”—he twists me around in his arms, then crowds my space until my back is pressed against a brick building. The cold stone at my spine is a big contrast at the heat enveloping my front as I lift my chin up at him. His blue eyes look haunting, turning me on instead of scaring me away—“is you running out on me. This isn’t going to work if you don’t talk to me. Talk.Now.”

“I don’t wanna talk to you,asshole.” I narrow my eyes, trying to ignore his addictive, fruity, musky scent as I look up at him. Like berries freshly picked after rainfall, quenching my thirst.

“We’re back toasshole?”

“If the shoe fits…” I trail off, turning my head to piss him off even more.

“What did I just do, Rae?” he shouts, incredulously. “Tell me, because I don’t get it. What the fuck did I do wrong?”

Closing my eyes, I push the emotion away, not willing to give him the satisfaction of my tears. Frustration washes over me as I swallow hard.

My mind is telling me he’s an asshole, but also telling me to not be so damn defensive. To stop acting like a raging teenager. My emotions are all over the place, dribbling around like a damn basketball. My mind has never been so clear and so confused at the same time. I don’t like the question he asked because I want him to think better of me, but also because the question made me aware of Jensen’s reputation, making me wonder if I’m simply the next flirt before he goes back to his girlfriend.

I don’t want to be that person.

Irefuseto be that person.

His hands move to the front of my neck, cupping it before he brushes his nose against mine in a domineering yet affectionate way. “Talk, Rae.”

“I’m not a cheater.” I finally tremble out the words.

Confusion etches through his features. “I never said you were, baby.”

“You basically implied it by asking me if I want him back. Why would I be with you if I did?”

His eyes widen as if the realization hits, then he cups my cheek.

“I hurt you.”

I nod, trying to swallow the tears away. His thumb starts to brush my skin, and I lean into his touch. He drops his forehead against mine, then closes his eyes as he lets out a deep wheeze.

“I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”