I narrow my eyes at him, snapping my focus between him and the road. “Why do you ask?”
Hesitant to disclose my relationship with Johnny, I press my lips together in wariness. If he’s asking because he’s my uncle, there is no harm, but I have to remind myself this is also hisGeneral Manager he’s asking about. Even though this might be a personal interest, I have to keep it professional.
Before he can open his mouth, the ringing of my phone echoes through the Bluetooth of the car.
Speaking of the devil.
“Shit,” I mutter, gripping the wheel a bit tighter as I contemplate what to do.
He doesn’t like me driving all the way to the East Coast by myself, but I’m not sure how he is going to react when I tell him Bodi and Jensen are tagging along.
When I called him last night, I thought he’d already seen the picture on TMZ, but since he didn’t mention it, I decided to postpone the inevitable. I know his schedule, and it’s packed with meetings today, so I figured I wouldn’t have to deal with him before tonight.
I figured wrong.
“Are you gonna take that?” Jensen questions.
A deep sigh escapes my throat, knowing this conversation will be a pain, while ignoring Jensen. There is no way I’m going to have this conversation with these two breathing down my neck.
I stop the car on the side of the road, parking it in the grass.
“What are you doing?” Jensen asks anxiously as I grab my phone out of the center console.
“I need to take this.”
“Rae! We are on the interstate! Are you crazy?! You can’t get out!”
“Yeah, Goldilocks, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Bodi chimes in.
I neglect their worry, exiting the car before I check the road for any traffic. It’s not very busy, and I make sure I have enough time to make it to the grass on side of the car. “I’ll be right back.”
Jensen's eyes are shooting daggers at me as he yells shit that’s muffled by the door I slam shut.
He can wait.
He’s not going anywhere.
“Hey,” I answer the phone while I walk away from the car, the distinct smell of exhaust fumes reaching my nose as cars drive past us over the pavement.
“Can you explain to me why your face is mentioned as Jensen’s new girlfriend?” Johnny’s voice is calm as always, but I can hear his frustration seeping through. “You wanna tell me something, Rae?”
“It’s a misunderstanding.” I run a hand through my hair. My ears register the sound of a car door opening, and I watch as Jensen exits my car with a furious glare on his handsome face.
“A misunderstanding? Rae, this picture looks like it's a bit more than a misunderstanding.”
“You know how Jensen is. He flirts. He was getting on my nerves again at the party. Someone snapped that picture. There is nothing going on between us, I swear.” I hold my hand up to Jensen, silently telling him to keep his distance, but like the caveman that he is, he just storms at me like a raging bull.
“Get in the damn car, Rae!”
“No!” I mouth with a scowl.
“You’re getting in the car right now!”
“I’m talking to Johnny!”