He looks at me confused, blinking, then runs a hand through his messy brown hair. Jensen’s out of bed look might be my favorite so far. He shouldn’t be doing that.
In fact, it should be forbidden for a man as sexy as him to do that without a shirt. With that ghost of a smile on his face.
He shuts the door, pressing his back against it, then crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“Okay, little hellcat, what the fuck are you talking about?” he rasps, the gruff sound of it humming through my heating core.
“You messed with my head!” I stalk toward him with an angry whisper and press a pissed finger into his torso. “Yougot all these ghost stories in my head.Youfreaked me out. I was fine not knowing shit. I slept here three times before today, but no,youfelt the need to fill my head with stupid stories about phantom bell boys and freaking dead women!Youfucked it up for me. Thanks toyou, I can’t sleep.” I stick my finger back into his chest with every ‘you’ I say.
I don’t know why I’m as pissed at him as I am, and I’m not sure I’m really pissed either. More like annoyed, and maybe a little scared.
Oh, who am I kidding? I’m terrified.
And I sure as hell am not going to sleep in that room all by my fucking self. If he’s such a big shot, he can go sleep there, and I’ll sleep here with Bodi, taking his bed.
“Rae Stafford, you are not seriously scared of a few ghosts, are you?” He cocks his head and puts on a mocking voice, totally throwing my own words in my face.
I want to strangle him, but getting any closer to him would be playing with fire considering my panties are totally damp just by looking at him. I can play it tough and just punch his face; it would be a dream come true, but that doesn’t give me a place to sleep. No sleep means not being able to drive.
That means this dipshit will totally be claiming my car. My ego can’t have that, so I decide to go with the truth, totally pulling thedamsel in distresscard.
“Fuck you, Jensen. I’m scared as hell.” I pout, putting every ounce of cuteness I have into the battle. “With every crack I hear, my heart is pounding in my chest, thinking that fucking bell boy is going to knock on my door or that old lady is going to make that rocking chair in my room move. I have a fucking rocking chair! What if someone really died there?”
I freak out a little more from just talking about it, and goosebumps trickle down my arms, picturing that rocking chair in my head.
I look up at him. His face softens, and he looks at me with care. It’s a look I haven’t seen before, and a tingly feeling goes through my belly. I itch to reach out for him. To wrap my arms around him, embracing the comfort of his body that is matching his face right now.
Not now, Rae.Focus.
Like he feels my need for affection, he places his hand on the back of my neck, locking our gazes. The warmth of his hand on my body both calms my heart and makes it pound harder at the same time.
“Hey, calm down. You’ll be fine,” he soothes.
“No, I won’t. Not being by myself in that freaking ugly ass motherfucking room. With those weird baroque black sheets and those ugly ass pieces of furniture. Seriously, I don’t know why you would want to haunt that place because it’s nothing anyone would want to stay in. Have you seen my room? It reallyis fucking ugly. I’m not going back there. You go sleep there,” I ramble.
He snickers. “Yeah, this room is ugly enough for me. No need to switch it up now.”
He glances around the room over my head with a serious look as he slowly starts massaging the nape of my neck. It feels electrifying, and I tilt my head a little, leaning into his touch.
That feels too good.
“I’m not going back,” I whisper, trying to hide the rasp in my voice.
“Well, I’m not going to send you back, but I don’t have many options for you.”
I turn around, his hand disconnecting from my skin, and look at the two queens next to each other. I can feel the warmth of his chest radiating against my back while he stands directly behind me, and it’s taking everything inside of me to not lean back against his body.
The room is just as ugly as mine with Bordeaux flowery sheets and a dirty-looking carpet on the floor. Bodi is sleeping in the bed next to the bathroom.
“Damn, he always sleeps like that?” I tilt my head at his sleeping position with a frown. He’s all over the place, looking like he was spit out by a hurricane.
“Yup, sometimes he even wakes up backwards.”
I cock my eyebrow at him in disbelief.
“I’m not joking.” A sweet smile forms on his lips before his eyes darken again. “I’m also not going to give up my bed,” he announces with that annoying hint of amusement visible in his eyes. “But you’re welcome to join me.”
That bastard.