There is an oversized rug on the floor that looks like it’s my grandmother’s, and the walls look like they could use a fresh lick of paint. Glancing around the foyer, a shiver runs up my spine, as if the dead are already greeting me with their presence with their stuffy scent.
“Good evening!” she quips to the man behind the big mahogany desk.
The receptionist greets her with a big smile, his brows quivering as if he likes what he sees, and I glare as he quickly glances over her entire physique with a clear interest.
Yeah, no.
Moving my body close to Rae’s, I rest one elbow on the desk, giving the asshole a daring smile that doesn’t match the glare in my eyes.
She’s mine.
Well, not mine, but she’s with me.
I mean... I think.
“Hey.” I purse my lips, my eyes narrowing, silently telling him to back off. Aware of my subtle threat, he swallows hard, then changes his stance.
Rae’s head slowly turns as she looks up at me, barely a foot of space between us. She frowns, then her eyes darken when I shoot her a sweet smile. We stare at each other for a moment before she returns her focus to the receptionist.
“I have a reservation.”
The receptionist starts to tap his computer. “Under what name, miss?”
“Ah, yes. A standard queen, right?” He glances at Bodi and I, a question in his curious eyes.
“Yes. And I was wondering if you have a double queen for these guys? Preferably on the same floor?”
“The room next to yours is a double queen, and it’s free.”
“Perfect!” She beams, giving me a rare genuine smile that does something to my heart before we hand out our IDs and he grabs the keys off the key rack.
“Can I ask you something…” She leans a bit closer to read the receptionist’s name tag. “Carlos. Will I be able to sleep tonight?We’ve heard some rumors about this hotel,” she whispers, secretly, shooting me a mocking wink as I irritably roll my lips inward.
He follows her gaze back at me, then moves his face closer to hers with a playful grin that I want to wipe off his cheeks.
“Don’t worry. They are just rumors. Nothing ever happens here. But if you or yourfriendsare scared, there is always someone at the front desk to help you.”
“We arenotscared. Thank you very much.” I jerk the keys out of his hands, then gently push Rae away from the desk before picking up her bag from the floor. “Goodbye,Carlos.”
“Don’t be rude, Jensen.” A chuckle escapes her lips as I continue pushing her forward, with Bodi trailing behind us.
I sigh when a flutter goes through my stomach at the sound of her joy ringing in my ears, closing my eyes while pressing my lips together.
What the fuck is she doing to me?
“I’m not rude. I’m just hungry.” My hand is still on the small of her back as I walk us toward the stairs, registering the roaring of my stomach and the twitching in my jeans.
I’m starving for a burger and craving a certain blonde.
“Yeah, that must be it,” Bodi huffs, laughing, shooting me a look that screamsbullshit.
Grinding my teeth together, I narrow my eyes at him while we make our way up the stairs.
“Shut up, asshole.”